The two zeros after the decimal point indicate that the number is accurate to one in a hundred.
If there were 5 significant digits the true value would lie between 54288.5 and 54289.5 but the above representation tells you that is cannot be more than 54289.1, for example. In fact, the true value lies between 54288.995 and 54289.005
Seven significant figures.
23.16492 has seven significant figures. A significant figure is any non-zero digit or any embedded or trailing zero. Leading zeros are not significant.
1.003702 has seven significant figures. A significant figure is any non-zero digit or any embedded or trailing zero. Leading zeros are not significant.
7 of them.
Seven significant figures.
There are seven significant figures in the number 27.3004.
There are seven significant figures in the number 4.500060.
There are seven significant figures; the first 1 is significant, the 2501 is obvious, but the last two are also significant because they are specifying the exactness of the number.
Seven of them.
The number 3400 has two significant figures. The rules for significant figures can be found by using the link to our friends at Wikipedia.
Seven. Trailing zeros in a number containing a decimal point are significant.
5600.044 has seven (7) significant figures.
102.4400 has seven significant figures.
2.551799 has seven significant figures. A significant figure is any non-zero digit or any embedded or trailing zero. Leading zeros are not significant.
23.16492 has seven significant figures. A significant figure is any non-zero digit or any embedded or trailing zero. Leading zeros are not significant.