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Q: Why does the person stand alone with ten thousand sorrow what does the another mean by this?
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What person lives for a thousand years?

No person lives much past 100 let alone a 1000 years. Noah was supposed to have lived to 600 years.

Do you like to work alone or with others?

... This will have multiple answers. I say alone because another person can mess you up. Or worse, you can mess them up, and make them angry at you.

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A duet is when you do it with another person. (2) A solo is when you do it alone. (1) So, if you do it with a duet, you have a trio.

When having a double date is it okay to invite another person?

That depends. If that other person is single, it is not appropriate. This is because the two couples will have their loved one, while the person you have invited will be alone.

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A paccekabuddha is another term for a pratyekabuddha - a person in Buddhism who achieves enlightenment alone, rather than with a teacher or guide.

What are signs that someone has put a spell on another person?

First of all, witchcraft doesn't exist in the fact that someone CANNOT put a spell on another person. Witchcraft is impossible to do, let alone master. Therefore, there are not signs that someone has put a spell on another person, because witchcraft and spells do not exist.

If you are sixteen with a permit can you drive alone?

Until you earn your license, you must have another licensed person in the car with you. They must be over 18.

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No human has ever made a trip to another planet, let alone colonized it for permanent habitation.

What Describes a person who desires living alone with a H?

A "hermit" is a person who chooses to live alone

Are there lots of trains?

Yes, over three-thousand (estimate) in the UK alone

In writing a novel how do you explain a person recalling or remembering the warning or words of another person in their mind?

Example - As she stared at the door, wondering if she should go in alone, she vaguely recalled the old woman's warning "Be careful when you are alone Rebecca, you are most vulnerable then" Hope that helps.

What is the name of a person living alone?

A person living alone could be:a hermita reclusean introvertantisocialin solitarymaroonedlonelyantisocial