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Q: Why does the production of milk now cause more waste tan it did 200 years ago?
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Why does the production of milk now cause more waste than it did 200 years?

Producing milk now requires electricity

Why does the production of milk now cause more waste than it did years ago?

Producing milk now requires electricity

Why does the production of milk now cause more waste than it it did 200 years ago?

Producing milk now requires electricity

Why does the production of milk now cause more waste then it did 200 years?

milk consumption causes much more pollution today, apex.

Why does these production of milk now cause more waste than it did 200 years ago?

The increased waste from milk production today compared to 200 years ago is mainly due to industrialization and large-scale farming practices. These methods often prioritize efficiency and quantity over sustainability, leading to more waste in the form of packaging, energy use, and byproducts. Additionally, modern milk production employs more processing steps and additives, contributing to waste generation.

Why does the production of milk now cause more waste than did in 200 years ago?

The production of milk today causes more waste due to industrialization and modern farming practices. Large-scale dairy farms produce more waste from excess feed, water, and manure, leading to environmental pollution. Additionally, the use of packaging materials for storing and transporting milk contributes to the overall waste generated.

How has pollution associated with milk production changed in the 200 years?

Milk production now causes much more pollution than it used to, mostly because so much of the production is consolidated into really large dairy farms, and disposal of that kind of liquid waste is difficult without poisoning nearby water sources.

How has pollution associated with milk production in the past 200 years?

Milk production now causes much more pollution than it used to, mostly because so much of the production is consolidated into really large dairy farms, and disposal of that kind of liquid waste is difficult without poisoning nearby water sources.

How has pollution with milk production changed in the past 200 years?

Milk production now causes much more pollution than it used to, mostly because so much of the production is consolidated into really large dairy farms, and disposal of that kind of liquid waste is difficult without poisoning nearby water sources.

How has pollution associated with milk production changed in the past 200 years?

Milk production now causes much more pollution than it used to, mostly because so much of the production is consolidated into really large dairy farms, and disposal of that kind of liquid waste is difficult without poisoning nearby water sources.

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