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The volume of a balloon is like that of a sphere. So we use 4/3x Pix radius3 .
Now plug in some numbers for V and see how radius changes. You will see if you go from a small volume to one a little larger, say .1 to .15, there is a pretty big change in the radius. Now try 1000 to 1000.15. You will see the change in the radius is much smaller.
That is because of the fact the radius is cubed. I can't draw it here, but have a look at the graph of x cubed and that may shed some light on it.

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Q: Why does the rate of change of the radius of a balloon slow down as the balloon gets bigger?
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How do you fine the area of a circle given the radius of the circle?

Area of a circle = (pi) x (radius)2 (pi) = about 3.1416 or about 22/7 . (It can never be written down exactly.) (radius)2 = (radius) x (radius)

How do you find the radius of a cone only knowing slant height?

If you cut the cone in half then drop a line from the point down to the centre of the base, you can then find the radius, which is the the base of one of the triangles you now have. You need to know one of the angles though, then work out the radius through trigonometry.

Why Does An Air Balloon Drop To The Ground?

Depends. IF you mean BALLOON then the following is the answer If it is a small cold air balloon gravity simply pulls it down as it is denser than the surrounding air (ie. it weighs more for the space it take up then the surrounding air it displaces). If it is a hot air balloon then the hot air has expanded so as to displace the heavier cold air inside and around the balloon and now being less dense than the surrounding air it simply floats upwards defeating gravity (the reality is that the balloon only appears to rise - what actually happens is that the colder air falls around the hot air). Once the hot air cools the balloon shrinks in size displacing less cold air around it and it is now denser than the surrounding air and gravity takes over and the balloon is pulled toward the earth (commonly called "down") IF you really meant a guy named Ballon he was a German ballet dancer and probably tripped IF you mean a Balloon flask as used in Chemical procedures to catch the drippings of distillation then some one only has to knock it off the bench. IF you mean the village of Ballon it is already ground. Although the air in the balloon is the same density as the air outside, the rubber weighs it down pulling it to the ground. This doesn't happen with helium balloons because they are so much less dense than air that they can carry the plastic.

If a cylinder and rsquos radius and height are each shrunk down to a third of the original size what would be the formula to find the modified surface area?


Write down a number you can cube to give an answer bigger than 200 but smaller than 400?

as i calculate it its 346, its the only cube number that's bigger than 200 but smaller than 400

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