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Q: Why does the sum of negative 4 and 3 complain more than the sum of negative 3 and 5?
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The sum of two negative numbers will be more negative than either one of them. The sum cannot, therefore, be 16.

When is the sum of positive and a negative integer negative?

When you have for example -3+1=-2. When the negative interer is more than the positive.

Is the sum of two integers with the same sign positive or negative?

if the 2 signs are negative, than the sum is negative. if the 2 signs are positive, than the sum is positive.

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A negative odd number, with magnitude larger than any of the addends and larger than the magnitude of the sum of any group of them.

When is the sum of a positive integer and a negative integer negative?

When the absolute value of the negative number is higher than the positive number.

Is it true that the sum of a negative integer and a positive integer is always positive?

It depends, if a number with positive integers is greater than the number with the negative integer therefore the sum will be in positive integer. And if the number with positive integer is less than the number with the number with negative integer then the sum will be in negative integer.

When is the sum of a positive and negative integer negative?

When the absolute value of the positive integer is smaller than the absolute value of the negative one.

Why is the sum of a positive integer and a negative integer is always negative?

It isn't always negative. ... for example: -5 + 12 = 7 (a positive number) -5 + 2 = -3 (a negative number) -5 + 5 = 0 (neither negative nor positive) If the negative number has greater magnitude than the positive number, the sum will be negative If the positive number has greater magnitude than the negative number, the sum will be positive If the negative and positive numbers have the same magnitude, the sum will be zero.

Can the sum of two mixed numbers be equal to 2 without negative numbers why or why not?

No. A positive mixed number must be bigger than one: so each of them must be of the form one-and-some-more. Therefore, their sum must be two and the sum of two some-more bits, which must be more than 2.

Can the sum of two negative integers equal a positive number?

No. Adding negative numbers will make them more negative.

When is the sum of two integers less than the difference?

When the integers are negative.