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Your waist is the area of separation between the upper half of your body (the Torso) and the lower half (hips & Legs).

This area is comprised of a complex and overlapping network of muscles that connect to your spine, your rib cage & pelvis bones. All this supports the organs inside your body, determines your posture and are the muscles that allow you to bend, twist and maintain your balance as you stand or while walking.

They can get tired if they have to make up for another muscle that is not doing its' job.

Picture a radio tower that is held upright by wires tied to the tower and connected to the ground. Imagine that one breaks or becomes weak or just stops working. The tower will try to lean but all the other wires hold it still straight. But now there is more strain on them. If they had nerves and could feel (Just like the muscles in you body) they would be complaining of the extra strain. Just like your muscles do if one of them does not pull its weight.

The human body is complex. There may be one or more reasons why your muscles or your spine are complaining. One muscle may have been overworked while in a certain position (just like the tower - some wire a strained and if you lean one way certain muscles come into play). As the weak muscle heals or rests the compensating muscles will relax and everything will come back into balance.

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