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One atom of hydrogen reacts with one atom of chlorine forming one molecule of hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid). An atom of hydrogen has less mass than one of chlorine so 1 gram of hydrogen contains more hydrogen atoms than one gram of chlorine.

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Q: Why doesn't 1 gram of hydrogen react with 1 gram of chlorine?
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How much of each element is there if you have a 100 gram compound and 80 percent is carbon and 20 percent is hydrogen?

For carbon 0.80 x 100 = 80 grams of carbon; and for hydrogen 0.20 x 100 = 20 grams of hydrogen

Avogadro's number is the number of?

Avogadro's number is the number of units per mole. A mole is 6.022x1023 (602,200,000,000,000,000,000,000) units. Because every element has a unique mass, it is primarily useful in chemistry for stoichiometric calculations. Hydrogen for example has a mass of ~1.01 grams per mole, so one gram of atomic hydrogen contains approximately 1 mole of hydrogen atoms, or 6.022x1023 hydrogen atoms. It seems arbitrary until you examine it's applications in practical use. To create a molecule of water you need to combine 2 hydrogen atoms with one oxygen atom, along with a little bit of energy: 2H + O --> H2O If you want to do this efficiently, you can't just throw 2 grams of hydrogen atoms together with 1 gram of oxygen atoms to create 3 grams of water because hydrogen and oxygen have different molecular masses. One oxygen atom is about 16 times heavier than 1 hydrogen atom, so with the above approach you'll only end up with about 1.125 grams of water with about 1.875 grams of hydrogen still floating about. This is where Avogadro's number comes into play. Hydrogen is ~1 gram per mole (1 gram per 6.022x1023 atoms) and Oxygen is ~16 grams mer mole (16 grams per 6.022x1023 atoms). So to create 1 mole of water you need to combine approximately 2x6.022x1023 hydrogen atoms with approximately 6.022x1023 oxygen atoms, light a match, and prepare to get burned.

How much gram equal to one gram?

One gram is equal to one gram.

What is the scientific notation for a gram?

It is "gram", which may be abbreviated to "g".

Which is heavier - a gram or a milligram?

One gram equals 1000 milligrams.

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What is the mass of chlorine combine with 40 gram of hydrogen and chlorine form HC1?

75 grams per mole

What is the gram ayomic mass of hydrogen?

The gram atomic mass of hydrogen is 1.008.

What mass of chlorine gas will react with 92.0 of sodium?

The equation for the reaction between sodium and chlorine is 2 Na + Cl2 -> 2 NaCl. This equation shows that equal numbers of formula units of sodium and chlorine are changed during the reaction. The gram Atomic Mass of two sodium atoms is 2 [exact] X 22.9898 or45.9796. therefore the specified amount of sodium is 92.0/45.9796 or 2.00 double gram atoms, to the justified number of significant digits. Therefore 2.00 double gram atoms of chlorine are required. The gram atomic mass of chlorine is 35.453, and four times this amount, or 142 grams of chlorine, to the justified number of significant digits, are needed for complete reaction.

What is the gram molecular mass of hydrogen?

The gram molecular mass of hydrogen is 1 gram per mole.

50 gram equals kg?

no, it doesnt.

What is the weight of one gram of hydrogen peroxide?

The weight of one gram of hydrogen peroxide is 1 gram.

What mass of chlorine gas will react with 92.0 g of sodium?

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction between sodium and chlorine gas is 2Na + Cl2 -> 2NaCl. From the equation, we see that 1 mole of chlorine gas reacts with 2 moles of sodium. First, calculate the moles of sodium in 92.0 g, then use the mole ratio to find the moles of chlorine gas needed, and finally convert to grams.

How do gram and grim react to max and freak's adventure?

they yell at them

What is one gram of hydrogen bomb material equal to?

One gram of hydrogen bomb material can release the explosive energy equivalent to about 20,000 tons of TNT.

Does germanium react with water?

Germanium does not react with water at room temperature. However, if germanium is finely divided or at elevated temperatures, it can react with water to form germanium dioxide and hydrogen gas.

What is the cost for hydrogen?

the cost of oxygen is 2.50 per gram

How many grams of water are produced when 300 grams of hydrogen react with an unlimited amount of oxygen?

When hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form water, the ratio is 2:1. This means that for every 2 grams of hydrogen, 1 gram of water is produced. Therefore, if 300 grams of hydrogen react with unlimited oxygen, 150 grams of water will be produced.