If pump primes, but only partway, it is usually because the impeller is clogged up with foreign debris (leaves, pebbles, etc). It may be necessary to disassemble the pump and clear out the impeller. One other lazy-man's way that often works is as follows: With pump turned off, close the valve in front of the pump. Remove pump lid, and open air relief valve on top of filter tank. Use a screwdriver to gently rotate the impeller (reaching from inside the pump housing, where your pump basket is). The water in filter tank will run backwards, hopefully pushing the wads of leaves or whatever out. Try this first before disassembling the pump. If pump basket is split/damaged, replace it. I am willing to answer any pool-related questions.
I have a pump that has a catch basin where leaves and other debris is collected. Two screws hold the top onto the catch basin. When I remove the basket inside, there is water in there along with the basket. With your pump OFF, remove the top to the catch basin. Empty an debris in the basket. Fill a bucket with water and pour the water into this catch basin. (Note that you will only be able to fill it so far, and the rest will go into your pool. As long as you have some water (6-8 inches) in the catch basin, you won't have to worry about running the pump in a dry state.) Replace the basket and the top to the catch basin and screw the top on snugly. Make sure your filter handle is in the position to circulate the water. Turn on the pump. If these instructions do not work, turn off the pump immediately and consult a pool supply company, or a pool repair company for advice. : I agree with the above comment. To improve on it: If you have a valve in front of the pump, close it before opening up the pump. Fill the pump housing up comletely with a water hose/bucket. Open and close the valve as many times as needed until you no longer get the "burping" action. Make sure the water level stays full while you're doing it. This will help get any air out of the lines, so that the pump primes more quickly once you turn the pump back on. P.S. Don't forget the re-open the valve. If pump still does not prime, you may have a leak in the plumbing. Check the nipples going in and out of the pump first to make sure they are not sucking air in. Check any valve bodies for same. Seal any leaks and repair/replace as soon as possible. I can answer any pool-related questions at anjeli-klean.com
I would recommend 1 HP
It should state the gallons per minute on a label attached to the pump, or on the pump maker's website. To experiment yourself, would involve pumping a measured number of gallons using a stop watch!
Overnight or same day with the proper size equipment and pump or pumps. K
The pool is 4ft*23ft*11ft = 1012 cubic feet You can pump in 8.2 cubic feet every minute. So time taken to fill it = 1012/8.2 = 123.4 minutes = 2 hours, 3.4 minutes.
A small amount probably won't but it suggests a leak in the suction line; and it will reduce the pump's ability to prime itself, which is bad. A lot of air won't do the pump or its motor any good. I'm not sure if cavitation is a problem in pumps.
So long as there is water coming through the pump when it is running it doesnt matter what the water level in the pool is.
Blown fuse, defective fuel pump relay, or the pump itself is defective.
If it is the pump seal - replace the seal and other related gaskets. If it is the pump itself - replace the entire pump.
No reason to, Just cycle the key on and off a few times and it will prime itself.
Main reason for pump seal (mechanical seals) in a pool pump any pump for that matter is to contain liquid (water in this case) in the pump and hold prime and pressure. Other reasons, lower friction,reliability it can last for years.
you may have to prime your pump Clean or replace the filter.
Just power the pump. If you have W/W fluid in it, it'll prime itself.
To properly hook up a pool pump, first, make sure the pump is placed on a level surface near the pool. Connect the pump to the pool's filter system using the appropriate hoses and fittings. Ensure the pump is securely connected and the hoses are tight to prevent leaks. Finally, prime the pump by filling it with water before turning it on to ensure proper operation.
Blown fuse, defective fuel pump relay, or the fuel pump itself is bad.
buy a new pump
could be , is the water level above the skimmer/s / are the skimmer baskets clean/? pump may have just lost it's prime. fill pump with water replace lid and restart.