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If they did, then time-zone boundaries would cut through povinces and even cities.

Trust us ... it would not be a good thing to have two different times in the same city.

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Q: Why don't timezone follow lines of longitude exactly?
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Do the time zones always follow the lines of longitude?


Why are lines of longitude and latitude important on a map or globe?

Latitude and Longitude are used to point to exactly where you want to be

Why most time zones follow the prime meridian not the lines of longitude?

The prime meridian is a line of longitude

Why are latitude and longitude line important?

The lines of latitude and longitude are important because we need them to describe exactly where a point is on Earth.

A line of longitude use that in a sentence?

The Prime Meridian is a line of longitude that passes through Greenwich, England, and is used as the starting point for measuring longitude around the world.

Do all the longitude lines pass through the south pole?

No, longitude lines are vertical lines that run from the North Pole to the South Pole, passing through both poles. Each longitude line represents a different degree of east or west from the prime meridian, which runs through Greenwich, England.

What do you call the vertical lines around the globe?

meridians or lines of longitude

Is the International Date line a line of longitude?

Yes, the International Date Line is an imaginary line that mostly follows the 180° line of longitude, although it deviates in some areas to avoid dividing land masses or passing through certain territories. It serves as the line where each day officially begins and ends.

What is a different word for longitude lines?

"Lines" of constant longitude are "meridians".

What is characterized as vertical imaginary lines on the Earth's surface?

Lines of longitude, or meridians.

What city in Brazil is located on 74 west longitude?

This question can't be answered. To answer a latitude degree is needed. Simple way to get an answer is to get the map out. Find your latitude lines and the longitude lines and follow them until your finger on each line meets. There is your city.

Why are the lines of longitude not parallel?

Parallel lines, by definition, cannot meet. The lines of longitude meet at the Poles.