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Q: Why don't you add or subtract the zero error from the reading when you measure depth from vernier caliper?
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Can a vernier caliper measure a bore?

Yes, a vernier caliper can measure the inner diameter of a bore accurately. The lower jaws of the caliper can be inserted into the bore, and the reading can be taken from the scale and vernier to determine the diameter. It is important to ensure that the caliper is properly aligned and the jaws are perpendicular to the bore for an accurate measurement.

What is the unit of vernier scale reading of vernier caliper?

No unit for vernier scale coincidence. But as we multiply it by least count which has unit then we get vernier scale reading with the same unit. Of course main scale reading and vernier scale reading would have the same unit

What is the zero reading of a vernier caliper?

The zero reading of a vernier caliper is when the jaws are closed and the main scale '0' mark aligns perfectly with the zero mark on the vernier scale. This is the reference point for taking measurements with the vernier caliper.

What physical quantities that vernier caliper can measure?

quantity for measuring vernier caliper is what

How can you measure the inside diameter of a ring using a vernier caliper?

To measure the inside diameter of a ring using a vernier caliper, you can gently open the jaws of the caliper, place them inside the ring, and then slowly close the jaws until they fit snugly against the inner circumference of the ring. Take the reading from the main scale and vernier scale where they align. This will give you the inside diameter measurement of the ring.

Where on the vernier scale would you read to obtain the vernier scale reading?

where on the vernier caliper would you read to obtain the vernier scale reading

What the apparatus that can be used to measure the diameter of a copper wire?

A caliper is commonly used to measure the diameter of a copper wire. It can provide precise measurements by using its jaws to grasp the wire and providing a reading of the diameter on its scale.

What is the reading uncertainty for vernier caliper?

The reading uncertainty for a vernier caliper is typically equal to half of the smallest division on the main scale. For example, if the smallest division on the main scale is 0.1 mm, the reading uncertainty would be 0.05 mm. This uncertainty represents the smallest increment that can be reliably measured with the vernier caliper.

Where on the vernier caliper would you read to obtain the vernier scale reading?

You would read the main scale reading on the vernier caliper from the scale that is closest to the object being measured. The vernier scale reading is obtained by noting which vernier scale division aligns with a main scale division. The combined main scale reading and vernier scale reading provide the precise measurement of the object.

What you i use to measure the width of a penny?

Micrometer or vernier caliper

What is the instrument used to measure the diameter of an egg?

Vernier caliper

What is the zero error and the reading uncertainty for vernier caliper?

The zero error for a Vernier caliper is the systematic error that occurs when the jaws do not exactly close at zero. The reading uncertainty for a Vernier caliper typically depends on the precision of the scale divisions, with the main scale usually indicating whole millimeters and the Vernier scale providing readings to the nearest 0.02 mm.