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Because metal plate is much tougher than cloth. The short blades exert higher pressure on the metal over a shorter distance. The cloth, being much weaker doesn't need so much pressure to cut it, and so the longer blades of dress-making scissors are sufficient.

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Q: Why edges of scissor used to cut metal plate are shorter than edges of scissor used to cut cloths are long?
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What is one hundredth of a chain?

A chain is a measuring line in land-surveying consisting of of 100 jointed metal rods. Definition from the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary.

Why are the edges of some coins notched?

The actual term is "reeded" rather than "notched". Reeded edges prevent thieves from clipping coins. That is shaving metal metal off the edges. Dimes, quarters, half-dollars, and dollar coins all were made of silver until 1964. Pennies and nickels do not have precious metal in their mix. The US continued to use reeding on the edges of dimes, quarters, and half dollars even though they were changed to copper-nickel in the 1960s and 1970s. The $1 coins introduced in 2000 are also made of non-precious metals, and have smooth edges to help differentiate them from the other denominations. Many countries now use variations of standard reeding to help make their coins distinguishable by touch as well as sight, especially if they're similar in size. For example some euro coins have wide reeding, others have very narrow reeding, and still others have what's called "interrupted" reeding with interspersed smooth spaces.

Why is the edge of a nickel smooth?

This tradition goes back hundreds of years. Coins made of precious metal have ridges or lettering on the edges so unscrupulous people cannot scrape a few cents worth of gold off the edge to sell and then spend the coin for its full value. Base metal such as nickel, copper, aluminum, and zinc have such a low value it would not be worth your time to 'shave' a nickel. Even though dimes, quarters, and half dollars are no longer made of silver the edge reeding has been retained. The Anthony and Sacagawea Dollars have smooth edges but the Presidential Dollars have lettered edges.

What do you call the ridges on the edge of a coin?

A coin with these has 'reeded' edges. Reeds were first put on the edges of coins back in the days when coins contained precious metals such as gold or silver. It was a common practice for crooks to shave off a tiny amount of metal all the way around the rim of a lot of coins, collect the shavings, and sell them to a metal dealer. However, shaving a coin with a reeded edge would immediately be obvious and the police or mint officials would know that someone was committing fraud.

Why nuts are hexagonal in shape?

If they were square they would take up more area and the edges may get in the way or take up space, also if you had a square head then it would be easier for the metal to get stripped or deformed which would make it harder for the tool to loosen it. If the head was round, the you couldn't get a tool to grip the edges of it, so you couldn't screw it in good or loosen it. Basically, hexagonal is the most efficient shape for a nut.

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A simple example is that a flat metal file can be used in metal working to file down (smooth) rough edges on a piece of metal.