Ten past ten on a clock face has the hands balanced symmetrically on either side of the 12. Other times would also do this: quarter-past nine, for example, or twenty past eight. But ten ten looks best for display.
The minute hand is the largest hand on most analogue clocks. At 3 o'clock on a 12-hour clock, the minute hand is pointing straight up to the 12. It measures time to the nearest minute by advancing one of the small minute hash marks every 60 seconds. Every time the second hand makes one full sweep of the clock face, the minute hand advances one of the minute marks. The second hand is the fastest moving hand on a standard analogue clock, making one full sweep every 60 seconds.
The Minute hand makes a full circle of the clock's dial every Hour. Since there are 24 hours in a day, then the Minute hand travels 24 full circles every day.
On a normal 12-hour clock, the minute hand moves thru 360° in 1 hour, 360° in 60 minutes, or 6° every minute. 6° x 45 = 270°
According to that, the hand will move 5/60 or 1/12. Every minute on a clock face is 6 degrees. An hour hand will move 30 degrees in an hour.
11 times in every 12 hours.
The minute hand is the largest hand on most analogue clocks. At 3 o'clock on a 12-hour clock, the minute hand is pointing straight up to the 12. It measures time to the nearest minute by advancing one of the small minute hash marks every 60 seconds. Every time the second hand makes one full sweep of the clock face, the minute hand advances one of the minute marks. The second hand is the fastest moving hand on a standard analogue clock, making one full sweep every 60 seconds.
These clues point to a clock. Clocks stop every minute at the end of each minute and continue to operate every day. Time, which the clock measures, can be given or taken away, and chance and time are intertwined.
it moves at one click every 60 seconds
On a normal 12-hour clock, the minute hand moves thru 360° in 1 hour, 360° in 60 minutes, or 6° every minute. In ten seconds, the minute hand moves 1°.
I asked my buddy manwell... oh, uh, Manual. SETTING THE CLOCK: Press "SET". WITHIN FIVE SECONDS, press and hold "SEEK" until the correct minute appears on the display. Press and hold "SCAN" until the correct hour appears on the display. SETTING THE CLOCK FOR AM-FM STEREO WITH COMPACT DISC PLAYER AND AUTOMATIC TONE CONTROL: Press and hold "HR" until the correct hour appears on the display. Press and hold "MIN" until the correct minute appears on the display. To display the clock with the ignition off, press "RECALL" and the time will be displayed for a few seconds. There is an initial two-second delay before the clock goes into the time-set mode. You might want to print this or write it down... I have to look it up every time... I guess it's just too easy to actually remember. Good Luck!
The minute hand revolves around the clock face ONCE every hour. Therefore the hand would revolve around the clock 24 time in one day.
The Minute hand makes a full circle of the clock's dial every Hour. Since there are 24 hours in a day, then the Minute hand travels 24 full circles every day.
On a normal 12-hour clock, the minute hand moves thru 360° in 1 hour, 360° in 60 minutes, or 6° every minute. 6° x 45 = 270°
On a normal 12-hour clock, the hour hand moves 360° in 12 hours, 360° in 720 minutes, or ½° every minute, not 1/60°. In one hour, 60 minutes, a normal 12-hour clock's hour hand will move 30°.
According to that, the hand will move 5/60 or 1/12. Every minute on a clock face is 6 degrees. An hour hand will move 30 degrees in an hour.
the letter EThe letter e.
11 times in every 12 hours.