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Q: Why first electron affinity is greater than the second one?
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What is the second electron affinity of chlorine?

Chlorine has a negative second electron affinity because it releases energy when gaining an additional electron. This makes it less likely to accept a second electron compared to its first electron affinity, which is positive.

Why ismthe second ionisation energy greater than first for lithium?

The second ionization energy for lithium is greater than the first because removing the second electron requires breaking a stronger bond due to the higher effective nuclear charge after the first electron is removed. This leads to a greater energy input to remove the second electron compared to the first.

What is the first electron affinity of magnesium and is it exothermic or endothermic?

The first electron affinity of magnesium is exothermic. This means that energy is released when a neutral magnesium atom gains an electron to form a magnesium ion.

What do we mean by the first second third ionization energies for a particular atom?

First ionization energy is the energy required to remove the first outermost electron from an atom. The second ionization energy is the energy required to remove the next available electron, and is greater than the first IE. The third IE is that energy needed to remove the third electron, and is greater the the second IE.

Are there any trends to the periodic table?

Atomic Radii,Ionic Radii, First Ionization Energy,Second and Higher Ionization Energies, Electron Affinity.

When compared with the energy of an electron in th first shell of a carbon atom the energy of an electron in the second shell of a carbon atom is?

The energy of an electron in the second shell of a carbon atom is higher than in the first shell because electrons in shells that are further from the nucleus have higher energy levels. This is due to the increased distance from the positively charged nucleus in the atom, which decreases the electrostatic attraction between the nucleus and the electron.

Which determines the reactivity of the elements?

Roughly, first ionization potential and electron affinity.

Why is the second ionisation energy of oxygen more than fluorine?

The second ionization energy of oxygen is greater than fluorine because in oxygen, after the first electron is removed, the remaining electron is from a filled shell (2p^4). This electron in oxygen experiences greater electron-electron repulsion, making it harder to remove compared to the outer electron in fluorine which is in a half-filled shell (2p^5).

What do we mean by the first second and third ionization energies for a particular atom?

The first ionization energy is the energy required to remove the outermost electron from an atom, forming a positively charged ion. The second ionization energy is the energy required to remove the second electron, and so on. Each successive ionization energy tends to increase because it becomes increasingly difficult to remove electrons from a positively charged ion.

What is beryllium's electron affinity?

It is NOT negative (for the first IE). Because Be's configuration is 1s2 2s2, we observe that it has no vacant orbital to accommodate an electron, meaning that to insert an electron, it has to go into a new sub-orbital, the higher-energy 2p. Hence, you need energy to promote this electron to a 2p level to force Be to accept it.

Why oxygen is having two electron affinity?

First EA is usually exothermic as energy is released when the nucleus attarcts an electron is larger than the energy taken in to overcome their inter-electronic repulsion. Second EA is always endothermic since electron is added to a negative ion. Energy is needed to overcome the repulsion between the two negatively charged species.

How do you determine electron affinity?

Electron affinity is determined by measuring the energy released when an atom in the gas phase gains an electron to form a negative ion. A higher electron affinity indicates that an atom has a greater ability to attract and hold onto an additional electron. This can be influenced by factors such as the atomic size, effective nuclear charge, and electron configuration of the atom.