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Q: Why got so sleepy in afternoon in age over 30?
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You SLEEP but first got to >>> it will wake you up ^___^

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They can see quite well during the afternoon...I was chased by one yesterday afternoon until I got my handgun and shot the thing. It had rabies.

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Tryptophan, the same thing that makes you sleepy after you eat turkey.

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Yes, it is correct in the following type of construction: 'What do you have planned for this afternoon?' It means the same as 'What have you planned for this afternoon?' or 'What plans do you have for this afternoon?' or 'What have you got planned for this afternoon?' or 'What have you planned to do this afternoon?'

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old age,or got ran over by a car,or just got really sick and can't get better

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You can be any age to enter Britain's Got Talent.

Why always feel sleepy?

Commonly, it's because you got lack of sleep or haha being a night owl for many times. Probably you also take any pills that cud make u feel sleepy?

Should you go to Londis this afternoon?

no you only have 80p and your Mums got a sandwhich in the frige for you anyway