The absolute value of a positive number is the same number - in this case, 1.5. The absolute value of a negative number is the number, without the sign. Note that the absolute value of an expression like (-x) is not necessarily (x); rather, you have to separately consider the case that x is positive, or that x is negative. For example, the absolute value of x is x (if x is positive), or (-x) (if x is negative).
The color of the wire does not indicate its polarity. In electrical systems, the polarity is typically designated as positive (+) and negative (-) rather than plus or minus. To determine which wire is positive or negative on a lamp connection, you would need to consult the manufacturer's instructions or use a multimeter to check the voltage.
The least common factor of any set of positive integers is 1.
There are a number of ways to become more confident. For instance, try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Don't always compare yourself to others but rather promote your positive attributes. Other ideas to become more confident can be found online at Nerd Fitness, Tiny Buddah, and Pick the Brain.
There's sort of two answers to this: 1) it's totally arbitrary, as are all the rules of math. 2) think of all numbers as vectors rather than as scalars. ... Thus all positive numbers lie to the right of the origin, or at 0 degrees - negative numbers are then at 180 degrees. ... Then when you multiply two vectors you add their angles. ... and 180 + 180 = 360 (or 0) and is therefore a positive result.
Cur refers to a dog. Fighting dogs that regress to growling rather than maintain calm are referred to as 'cur'
MG treatments are practical rather than curative and include cholinesterase inhibitors, thymectomy, corticosteroids, immunosuppressant drugs, plasma exchange, intravenous immune globulin.
Yes, guidance is an abstract noun because it represents a concept or idea rather than a physical object. It refers to the act of providing direction, advice, or support.
"Values are taught, not caught" means that individuals learn their values and beliefs through intentional teaching and guidance, rather than absorbing them through observation or imitation. It emphasizes the importance of teaching and instilling positive values in others through education and mentorship.
Sanctions are penalties that people are dealt if they disobey the law. Positive sanctions can refer to something positive that will happen, rather than a negative penalty.
It is always good to be communicate in the positive rather than the negative; whether it is in teaching or in every day life. It builds people's self confidence rather than tears it down.
GCSE's are rather challenging and should be approached with a positive attitude. Bagshad :)
-It fails to keep many people above the poverty line. -Most recipients have needs that extend beyond income maintenance. -There is generally a VERY high level of stigmatization. -More or less, there are inadequate benefits. -Welfare is more of an alleviating problem, rather than curative. (short-term, rather than long-term)
To effectively discipline your daughter while maintaining a positive and respectful parent-child relationship, it is important to set clear and consistent boundaries, communicate openly and calmly, listen to her perspective, and provide guidance and support rather than punishment. Encourage positive behavior through praise and reinforcement, and address any misbehavior with understanding and constructive consequences. Building trust and showing empathy will help strengthen your relationship and promote healthy communication.
To effectively discipline a stubborn child while maintaining a positive and respectful relationship, parents can set clear and consistent boundaries, use positive reinforcement, communicate openly and calmly, and model respectful behavior themselves. It is important to listen to the child's perspective, show empathy, and provide guidance rather than punishment. Building trust and understanding between parent and child is key to fostering a healthy and respectful relationship.
To Jem, the fact that Atticus has never whipped him signifies his father's belief in using reason and understanding to discipline him. It demonstrates Atticus's respect for his children's intelligence and his commitment to teaching them through positive reinforcement rather than physical punishment. Jem views this as a reflection of his father's patience, trust, and guidance.
This is rather involved and you need guidance and pictures. Get a manual on your car from the parts store or from AUTOBOOKSONLINE.COM