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More technology and more things that you can do to get help.


-- Instantaneous long-distance communication.

-- Mass Communication.

-- Ease, economy, and speed of transportation.

-- Enhanced standards of living ... more leisure time.

All promote mixing of diverse cultures.

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Q: Why has culture changed more rapidly in modern times than in the past?
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Yes there is, and though it is being rapidly changed by global forces, it still retains many elements from earlier times.

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To maintain their ancient culture in modern times, the Australian Aborigines have celebrations using the old ways, including dances and body paintings. They also tell and retell the Dreamtime stories of how their people came to be and they continue to use dot painting in many areas to maintain tradition.

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Time was halted, nothing changed for an entire century. They call it the Great Blackout of the modern times.

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Yes... now in modern times fashions have changed so it is more appropriet now then it used to be.

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They got more hope in ancient times and they won many battles and made amazing building projects.

Is it true that Technology affects culture and culture affects technology?

If you think about it whatever the culture wants and is, the technology companies will make what is necessary. Also technology has changed are culture, if you think back to the 70's times were much different. Contact me Via Facebook:jptech411 Twitter:jptech411 Youtube:jptech411 For Tutorials You Want and Question You Have!

What is a Victorian over coat called?

Ulster coats... They have changed throughout modern times, they no longer have cape or hoods attached. I hope this helped you.