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Q: Why has your knee been hurting for about 5 months you are now about to turn thirteen?
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I had already been in the hospital for a blood clot on the same leg after knee surgery. My calf is realy hurting as if I had really worked it out too hard. Before my leg swole up from the knee down.

What is wrong with your knee you went knee on knee and now it hurts a lot it's been hurting for 1 week?

Don't work with it to much or it will hurt more and you might have to get your knee repared

How do you stop your knee hurting my knee has been hurting for about 3-5 weeks now and it wont stop huting. the pain is in the right knee and to the right of the knee cap?

It sounds chronic. It may be because of a past injury or if you play sports it could be because of the way you use your knee. Obviously the best thing to do would be to go to a doc.

How do you use the word 'knee' in a sentence?

my knee is hurting because i was on my knee's all day long

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sympathy pain

How much pain after total knee replacement?

They are very painful!!!!! my grandma thinks it will never stop hurting. it has been 6 months and its still hurting her!!!!!! We're beginning to wonder if its worth it!!! It is considered one of the more painful types of surgery. Most hip replacements are much easier to recover from. It will take at least a year to fully recover from such surgery.

You have had arthrscopic surgery and your knee is locking all the time its been 2 months since surgery why is this happening?

You must be patient, this will take a couple more weeks to straighten itself out. If it is not giving you too much pain exercise a bit more, if it is hurting too much, ask you Doctor what is going on. It will take a bit of time.

Can an 80 mph fastball break a thirteen year olds knee?

Yes, it definitely can if it is thrown right on it

Who stocks the knee length coat with the studded sleeves charity tate wears in this weeks emmerdale?

Zara but its been out for a few months now

How long does it tske to recover from knee surgery?

About 3 to 4 months

How do you pin drop without hurting your knee?

Learn to switch knees, that's all I can tell you man. Distribute the pain.

When Niall Horan hurt his knee when he was younger did he have surgery then?

He didn't hurt his knee when he was young, he hurt his knee a few months ago. And he does have to get surgery for it. But for right now he wears a knee brace.