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because of newer and more advanced medicines. people are encouraged to eat healthy and exercise more often, so they can live a happier and LONGER life.

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Q: Why have death rates gone down in many places in the last 200 years?
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Related questions

Did death rates go up or down in the US in the last 100 years?

Probably, but birthrates, too.

How long does it take for an insurance claim to drop off and rates to go down?

Normally 3 years

Do auto insurance rates go down when you reach 21 years of age?

Yes, they should unless you live in MA.

How do birth Rate and Death Rate affect the growth of a population?

If birth rates exceed death rates, the population increases proportionally. If death rates exceed birth rates, the population decreases.

Are crime rates going up or down?

Crime rates can vary depending on the specific location and type of crime. In some places, crime rates may be going down due to various factors such as improved policing strategies and community initiatives. However, in other areas, crime rates may be increasing due to factors like economic hardships or social unrest. It is important to consider local trends and statistics when assessing changes in crime rates.

How can digestion rates give information to forensic scientists about the time of death?

Digestion rates can provide insights into the time of death by estimating how long ago a person consumed a meal based on the stage of digestion of food in the stomach and intestines. By analyzing the extent of digestion of food particles and comparing it to typical digestion rates, forensic scientists can approximate the time since the last meal, which can help narrow down the time of death. This information, along with other forensic evidence, can contribute to determining the timeline leading to death.

When will a populations growth slow down?

A population's growth will slow down when birth rates decrease or death rates increase. Factors such as improved access to education, healthcare, and family planning methods can contribute to a decline in birth rates, while factors like disease outbreaks or limited resources can increase death rates, both of which can slow down population growth.

Will a teenager's insurance cost go down from 16 years to 17 years of age if there are no accidents?

If they do, it won't be much. Usually the costs go down when you are 21 and again at 25. Men have higher rates than women, but equal out at 25.

What video by johnny cash was made in 2006 three years after his death?

Gods Gonna Cut You Down

How do financial institutions calculate interest rates?

Financial institutions base their interest rates on fluctuation of today's market. If the market is doing well then interest rates are high. If the market is down, interest rates goes down along with it.

What are the mortgage rates for a condo?

Mortgage rates for a condominium will vary depending on the overall cost of the property, the down payment that is put down, and the interest rates that will apply to the loan. Although rates can be as low as 2%, interest rates for condominiums are generally higher than for single-family homes.

How have the mortgage rate trends changed over the last 5 years?

Mortgage rates have gone down a lot in the past 3 years. You can get a 30 year fixed loan for about 4% APR nowadays.