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Q: Why having zero make the set of whole numbers more useful than the set of neutral numbers?
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How useful whole numbers in real life?

Umm... first of all this question isn't grammatically correct, but I'll answer the question, "How useful are whole numbers in real life?". They are useful to know when you when you are taking an algebra class:)

How are place values and periods useful in reading whole numbers?

there useful because then you will not now were are the thosands

Why is integers useful?

Integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions which are useful because calculations are easier to work out.

Why is important to study rational and whole numbers?

Because understanding rational and whole numbers and in particular prime numbers it is useful when finding the lowest common multiple or the highest common factor of numbers.

What can mixed numbers can be useful for?

Mixed numbers can be useful for talking about quantities of things that are not whole numbers. Like in food recipes, heights of children, or number of gallons the gas station wants you to pay for.

What 2 or more numbers for a gcf represent?

The GCF is the largest whole number that is a factor for both of the numbers of interest. GCF is useful when simplifying fractions.

What are the importance of studying the different properties of whole numbers?

To find out the difference between prime numbers and composite numbers because prime numbers are useful in finding the lowest common multiple of numbers or the highest common factor of numbers.

A number with 10 factors?

48 is the lowest of all whole numbers having 10 factors.

What are two ways in which whole numbers and decimal numbers are different?

Whole numbers are a proper subset of decimal numbers. All whole numbers are decimal numbers but not all decimal numbers are whole numbers.

Are rational numbers whole numbers?

The set of rational numbers includes all whole numbers, so SOME rational numbers will also be whole number. But not all rational numbers are whole numbers. So, as a rule, no, rational numbers are not whole numbers.

How are decimals and whole numbers similar?

All whole numbers are decimal numbers.

Why are different whole numbers not always a whole number?

Different whole numbers are always whole numbers, but I suspect you meant to ask about the difference between whole numbers. You can subtract two whole numbers and get a negative result. Whole numbers can't be negative.