The denominator of any number cannot be zero because division by zero is not defined.
Yes. Rational numbers have a terminating decimal digit or a non-terminating recurring decimal digit. Rational numbers are generally expressed in the form (p/q) where 'q' does not equal 0. 21.09 can be written as (2109/100) which is of the (p/q) form and 'q' is not equal to zero.
rational no. is of the for p/q where p,q are integers & q not equls to 0.Every whole number can be expressed as a rational number as x/1 where x is whole no.
Yes. Rational numbers always have a terminating or a non-terminating recurring decimal digit. They are generally expressed in the form (p/q) where 'q' does not equal 0. -3.47 can be written as (-347/100) which is of the standard form (p/q) and 'q' is not equal to zero.
Yes, all integers are rational.Yes.Rational numbers are those numbers which can be expressed in the form (p/q) where 'q' is not equal to 0.since 'q' can be 1, every integer can be expressed in this form and hence is a rational number.For example, the integer 3 can be expressed as 3/1 which is of the (p/q) form.
All rational numbers can always be written in the form of a ratio, p/q, where p and q are integers and q > 0.
Yes. Rational numbers have a terminating decimal digit or a non-terminating recurring decimal digit. Rational numbers are generally expressed in the form (p/q) where 'q' does not equal 0. 21.09 can be written as (2109/100) which is of the (p/q) form and 'q' is not equal to zero.
Rational numbers are numbers which can be written in the form p/q where p and q are integers and q > 0. Rationals is often used as an abbreviation to refer to the set of all rational numbers.
Rational numbers are numbers which can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, p and q (where q >0), in the form p/q.
All integers {..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...} are rational numbers because they can be expressed as p/q where p and q are integers. Let p equal whatever the integer is and q equal 1. Then p/q = p/1 = p where p is any integer. Thus, all integers are rational numbers.
rational no. is of the for p/q where p,q are integers & q not equls to 0.Every whole number can be expressed as a rational number as x/1 where x is whole no.
rational numbers
rational numbers
rational and irrational numbers are two types of real Numbers. all real numbers which are terminating and non terminating but repeating comes in the category of rational numbers. all real numbers which are non terminating and non recurring comes in the category of irrational numbers. rational numbers are expressed in the p/q form where p and q are both integers and q is not equal to 0.the opposite the case is with irrational numbers. they are not expressed in the p/q form
Yes. Rational numbers always have a terminating or a non-terminating recurring decimal digit. They are generally expressed in the form (p/q) where 'q' does not equal 0. -3.47 can be written as (-347/100) which is of the standard form (p/q) and 'q' is not equal to zero.
Out of the numbers,9, 10, 1, and 4,no number is irrational.Each of these numbers can be written in the form p/q (p,q = Z ; q not equal to 0).9 = 9/1, 10 = 10/1, 1 = 1/1 and 4 = 4/1So, all these numbers are rational. and none of these numbers is 'not a rational number'.
Rational numbers are represented in the form of p/q , where p is an integer and q is not equal to 0.Every natural number, whole number and integer can be represented as rational number.For example take the case of integer -3, it can be represented in the form of p/q as -3/1 and q is not equal to zero, which means that rational numbers consist of counting numbers, whole numbers and integers.Now, what will be the result of product of any two rational numbers?Let us take the case of two rational numbers which are x/y & w/z, their product is equal toxw/yz, which is a rational number because multiplication of x and w results in an integer and also multiplication of y and z results in an integer which satisfies the property of rational numbers, which is in the form of p/q.So, product of any two rational numbers is a rational number.
There are infinitely many rational numbers so it is not possible to list them. You can think of them as the set of all ratios of the form p/q where p and q and integers and q > 0.