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Well the number 4 is actually my lucky number but it's nit a good number to every one just some people

But people do believer it's a good number because it's a small even number and can be divided, be the divider and because it takes slot of part with fractions which you use a lot in life

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Q: Why is 4 a good number?
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yes good luck on your homework

Is there a second I am Number 4?

I really hope there will be. It was a really good movie.

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4853, 2092, or 8283

Is 4 a good number?

You cannot scientifically tell if a number is good or not, but one could assume that it is lucky because they they found 4 two dollar bills or won the lottery wich had all 4's in it. If 4 is a good number, that is up to you. however, the number 4 sounds a lot like death in Chinese and is unlucky in China, which is the reson why it is colored red on a Chinese dice, because the luckyness of the color red counteracts the unluckiness of the number four. In essence 4 is unlucky in China much like 13 is unlucky in the US.

What is 12 4 as a mixed number?

The number 3. If you want to know how to work it out you divide the top number by the bottom number. Good Luck :)

If you have 881 good parts and 4 bad What is the percentage of good parts?

With 881 good parts and 4 bads you have 885 total parts. Simply divide the number of good parts (881) by the total number of parts (885) and multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage. In this case, the percentage of good parts is 99.548%

Why should I read I am number 4?

Some people say it's good. Just try it! :)

Why is number 4 a good thing?

Number 4 is considered unlucky in Chinese because it is homophonous (sounds like) "death" in Chinese. In general numerology, a person with 4 on their charts is considered to be hard-working, salt of the earth, and dependable.

Is a sum of a pair of factors of a number always less than the number?

No. A good example of that is with 4. In this case 2+2 =4 and 2*2=4. Additionally, when the factors are the number itself and 1, the sum is greater than the number. For example 1*5 = 5 while 1+5 = 6.

What is eight fourths as a mixed number?

8/4 = 2 That is an integer, or a whole number - not a mixed number. You could write it as 20/1 but there is not a single good reason for doing that.

What number is divisible by both 4 and 9?

Oh, dude, a number that's divisible by both 4 and 9 would be 36. Like, 36 is the smallest number that fits the bill. So, if you ever need a number that can be split evenly between 4 and 9, just remember good ol' 36.

Will there be a number 4?

A number 4 of what?