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Q: Why is Muhammad considered a significant historical figure?
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The number 327 to one significant figure is 300. The digit 3 is the first and only significant figure, and numbers after this digit are considered not significant.

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The significant figure for 20kg is 2, as the trailing zero(s) after the whole number are not considered significant in this case.

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Yes, an axe can be considered an artifact if it is of historical or cultural significance, for example, if it belonged to a famous figure or was used in a significant event. Otherwise, it is simply a tool or object.

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Two significant figures. The numbers 8 and 6 are both considered significant figures.

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sure I really think so

Is Mohammed an historical figure?

Yes, he was a Prophet _______________________________________________ Yes, Moses (peace be upon him) is a historical and religious figure per Islam religion. He is one of the five greatest prophets that Muslims believe in, namely Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them).

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There is only one significant figure which is the 7. When zeros are placed before a number, they are not considered significant figures.

What is the measurement of 417.32 g in significant figure?

The measurement of 417.32 g has five significant figures. Each non-zero digit and any zeros between them are considered significant in a decimal number.

Are exact quantities considered when applying significant figure rules?

No, exact quantities are not considered when applying significant figure rules. Exact quantities are known with complete certainty and do not impact the uncertainty associated with measured quantities. Significant figures are only counted based on measured values.

Why is Fidel Castro significant figure in history?

Since 1959 Castro was the dictator of Cuba. This alone made him a historical person.