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he was often thought of as the father of algebra because he was the first to teach algebra in such an elementary way.

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Q: Why is Muhammad ibn musa al-khwarizmi called father of algebra?
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Who was father of algebra?

It was the Persian mathematician, Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī.

Who is called the father of algebra?

Al-Khwarizmi is the father of Algebra. He was born in Bagdad, a city now in Iraq.

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because of you.....

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The father of algebra and his contribution?

The father of algebra is typically considered to be the Persian mathematician Muhammad al-Khwarizmi. He introduced the concept of algebra and its fundamental operations in his book "Kitab al-Jabr wa al-Muqabalah" (The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing). In this book, al-Khwarizmi laid the groundwork for solving equations and developing algebraic methods.

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Quid e Azam is called father of Pakistan . His actual name is Muhammad Ali Jinnah .

Who discover the algebra?

Both Diophratus (300AD) and Al-Khwarizmi(800 AD) are often called the "father of algebra". I like Al- Khwarizmi because he use the term "al-jabr" which now is known as algebra. Al jabr ( arabic) means, when loosely translated, "what I do to one side of the equation, do the the other"

Who has invented algebra?

Algebra was created by the Greeks around the 3rd century AD. Diophantus, a Greek mathematician, is known as "the father of algebra". He is the author of a series of books called "Arithmetica" which were based on solving algebraic equations.

What ruler is sometimes called the father of modern Egypt due to the reforms he made?

Muhammad Ali

What is the first algebra text?

It is Arithmetica, by Diophantus of Alexandria, who is generally considered the father of algebra, that may be the first writing on algebra. But there is a bit of debate over who the father of algebra is. Use the link below to the related question.