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Q: Why is a Combination square called combination?
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What is tri square?

There is no specific tool called a "tri square." It may be a misspelling or a combination of terms. If you meant a try square, it is a woodworking tool used for marking and checking right angles. If you meant a combination square, it is a versatile measuring tool for woodworking and metalworking tasks.

What is a name of a chart that is used to calculate probability of an offspring combination of alleles?

It is called a punnet square.

What is combination of I-Time and E-Time called?

The combination of I-Time and E-Time is called crossover time.

What is a combination square?

it is something used in wood tech.

How much does a combination square cost?

A combination square can cost anywhere from $5 to over $200. Starrett is recognized as one of the best and it's cheapest model is about $60.

What does each cell of a punnet square represent?

A genotypic combination

What is the face shape of Megan Fox?

A combination of long and square

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It is called, not surprisingly, a combination graph.

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The genes an organism contains is called the organism's genotype.

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What is the combination square generally used for?

The combination square is most commonly used in creating miter joints for it can safely and reliably measure ninety degree angles and fourty-five degree angles.

The combination heat sink and cooling fan is sometimes called a?

The combination heat sink and cooling fan is sometimes called a cooler.