because there are 4 bases and all are the same distance apart, which makes a square which is a diamond turned sideways.
A baseball field is in the shape of a diamond or a square, depending on which perspective you look at it from. The bases are also shaped like squares.
The baseball term diamond is in reference to the object you would see if you drew a line from home plate to first base, first base to second base, second base to third base, and third base to home plate. Each of these lines would be the same length (90 feet), therefore, the object would look like a square if you were sitting down the left field or right field lines. But if you were sitting in center field or behind home plate, the object would look like a diamond. A diamond is really a square turned on it's side.
well the properties of a hexagon is that is that it's shaped like a diamond.
A diamond, or mathematically correct a parallelogram or tilted square. You may also be thinking of a trapezoid.
It is a pentagon, but not a regular pentagon- it is shaped like home plate for baseball or softfball.
A baseball field is in the shape of a diamond or a square, depending on which perspective you look at it from. The bases are also shaped like squares.
Objects that are shaped like a diamond include certain gemstones such as diamonds and rhombus-shaped figures in geometry. In chemistry, the molecular structure of some compounds like methane and ethylene can also be described as diamond-shaped. Additionally, some playing cards, like diamonds in a deck of cards, are also shaped like a diamond.
It is a white sphere. If you want a picture, go to Click images in the top left. Then type in Baseball. Ta-da!
diamond is the 4 bases 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home with the pitching mound in between them all, if you look from above its shaped like a diamond, its the infield
Kites are often shaped like diamonds, or modified diamond shapes.
Kites are often shaped like diamonds, or modified diamond shapes.
its orange and shaped like a diamond.
The Pentagon in Washington is obviously shaped like a pentagon. Black shapes on soccer balls, some road signs and the home plate on a baseball field are all pentagonal shaped objects.
A kite.
It is steel that has raised sections shaped almost like a diamond making it skid-proof.
The word "diamante" is a variation of the word "diamond". A diamante poem is shaped like a diamond.
The baseball term diamond is in reference to the object you would see if you drew a line from home plate to first base, first base to second base, second base to third base, and third base to home plate. Each of these lines would be the same length (90 feet), therefore, the object would look like a square if you were sitting down the left field or right field lines. But if you were sitting in center field or behind home plate, the object would look like a diamond. A diamond is really a square turned on it's side.