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because of its main structure and build up

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Q: Why is a cylinder not a prism or a pyramid?
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Is cylinder a prism or pyramid?


Name six 3-d shapes?

ummm.., I....... A cube, a cuboid, a pyramid, a cone, a sphere, a cylinder and a prism. Is it okay if I give you 12? Here you go: * Cube * Cone * Pyramid * Rectangular Prism * Pyramid * Cylinder * Sphere * Hexagonal Prism * Triangular Prism * Frustum of a Cone * Frustum of a Pyramid * Oval * Tube/Pipe A cube, a cuboid, a pyramid, a cone, a sphere, a cylinder and a prism.

What are the names of 3 dimensional shapes?

Square Pyramid, Cube, Triangular Prism, Sphere, Cylinder, Rectangular Pyramid, Rectangular Prism, Cone.

What vessels have the greatest overal cross section?

cone, cylinder, rectangular prism, square pyramid and triangular prism

How many edges does a sphere cone cylinder rectangular prism triangular prism pentagonal prism triangular-based pyramid and square-based pyramid have?

sphere: 0 edgescone: 1 edgerectangular prism: 8 edgescylinder: 0 edgestriangular prism:6 edgespentagonal prism: 10 edgestriangular-based pyramid: 4 edgessquare-based pyramid: 5 edges

What are different spatial figures?

rectangular prism,cube,cylinder,sphere,pyramid

What are the different spatial figures?

rectangular prism,cube,cylinder,sphere,pyramid

What isn't a cone sphere cylinder prism or pyramid?

a square a rectangle and a parallelogram

How are the volumes of right pyramid and right cone related to the volume of a right prism and right cylinder?

The volume of the pyramid and cone is one third the volume of the corresponding (ie same [size] base and height) prism and cylinder.

Which solids have only flat faces?

Any kind of cube, prism, or pyramid (other than a circular prism a.k.a a cylinder or a circular pyramid a.k.a. a cone)

Which of the following is not a polyhedron?

(if the question is: which of the following are polyhedrons?) your answer is: pyramid and prism ( apex )

What is the geometric solid?

1. sphere 2. cylinder 3. prism 4. pyramid