Every six-digit number is greater than any five-digit number.
All five digit numbers have three digits. The smallest five digit whole number is 10,000
A five digit number is a number consisting of five digits. eg. 12345 54321 98765
99990 Note that if you add 11 to my answer you get a 6-digit number therefore it must be the largest 5-digit whole multiple of 11.
The two digit numbers in which the tens digit is five greater than the units digit are:5061728394The number we are looking for is ten times the sum of its digits, and so must be a multiple of 10. The only one of the above numbers which fits this is 50, as 5 is five greater than 0, and 50 = 10 x (5+0).
Every six-digit number is greater than any five-digit number.
Every six-digit number is greater than any five-digit number.
All five digit numbers have three digits. The smallest five digit whole number is 10,000
It is 500.
46. To "round off" a number, look at the previous digit. Go up one number if this digit is 5 or greater; go down one if 4 or less. So to round 45.6 to the nearest whole number, we look at the ".6" part. This is greater than five, so we increase the number "45" by one to "46".
1 The largest five-digit number is 99999 and the smallest six-digit number is 100000, so the difference is one. If you're just looking for an answer to a homework question, that's all you need. For the brainy: Suppose the answer was greater than one. That would mean that there are one or more numbers between the largest five-digit number and the smallest six-digit number that cannot be written with either five or six digits. Either they would have to be written with four or fewer digits, which would make them smaller than any five-digit number, or with seven or more digits, which would make them larger than any six-digit number. If the answer was less than one, it would mean that it would be possible to have a five digit number that was greater than a six-digit one. So the answer must be one.
If a number is greater than 40,000, it can't also be less than 8,000.
53627 is a whole number that falls between 53626 and 53628. It is a five-digit number that is not divisible by 2.