A gallon is a traditional unit of liquid volume, derived from the Roman word 'galeta', which originally meant a 'pailful'.
5 gallons.
The answer will depend on whether you mean UK pennies and the Imperial gallon or US pennies (which are actually cents) and a measure that is a smaller gallon, or a penny from some other country and yet another arbitrary measure which is called a gallon!
1 gallon = 1 gallon
1. Fill 4 gallon bottle 2. Pour IT into the 7-gallon bottle 3. Fill 4 gallon again, and pour IT into 7 gallon (leaves 1 gallon in 4 gallon bottle) 4. Empty 7 gallon 5. Pour the 1 gallon into the 7-gallon 6. Fill 4 gallon 7. Pour IT into the 7 gallon You now have 5 gallons in the 7-gallon bottle.
Fill up the three gallon jug and pour it into the five gallon jug. Refill the three gallon jug and pour from it into the five gallon jug until it is full. What remains in the three gallon jug will be one gallon.
1 quart is so called because it is a quarter of a gallon. In other words, 4 to a gallon.
One gallon .
5 gallons.
8 1 Pint is 16 Ounces There are 8 Pints in a Gallon There are 128 ounces in a Gallon.
There is no such measurement called the 'american' gallon, the correct term is the US Gallon.There are 3.78541 litres in one US liquid gallon.There are 4.546 litres in one imperial gallon.
The answer will depend on whether you mean UK pennies and the Imperial gallon or US pennies (which are actually cents) and a measure that is a smaller gallon, or a penny from some other country and yet another arbitrary measure which is called a gallon!
Eight.There is sixteen ounces in a pint, two pints in a quart, four quarts in a gallon which means there is 128 US fluid ounces in a gallon.
Approximately 1 gallon of soy oil can produce about 1 gallon of biodiesel. The production process involves converting the oil through a chemical reaction called transesterification to create biodiesel.
It was 20 cents a gallon in 1955. Not only that, I could get a quart of re-refined motor oil for 10 cents if I provided my own container. It was called bulk oil and they pumped it out of a 55 gallon barrel.
No... that's called diabeetus.
Imperial1 gallon = 4.546 L = 4 L and 546 mL= 4546 mLUS1 gallon = 3.785 L = 3 L and 785 mL= 3785 ml