The mathematical number googol is a very large number and it has the digit 1 followed by total of 100 zeroes. In total the number googol has 101 digits.
A googol is 10^100 or 10 to the power 100, so that's 1 followed by 100 zeroes. googol x 100 = 10^102 so that's 1 followed by 102 zeroes, and that's a very BIG number!
Yes there is. The number googol can be described as a one followed by 100 zeros. 1 googol = 10100
Oh honey, that's a big number! It's called a "googol." Yes, you heard me right, a googol. And no, I didn't make that up - it's actually a real mathematical term. So next time you need a name for a ridiculously large number, just remember, it's a googol.
Well, darling, after 1 googol comes 1 googol and one. It's as simple as that. Just add one to the big ol' number and you've got your answer. Keep counting if you've got the time and patience, but I'm not here to hold your hand through the whole process.
Oh, dude, a googol times a googol is basically a googol multiplied by a googol. And a googol is like 10 to the power of 100, so when you multiply that by another googol, you're basically getting a number that's like really, really big. Like, so big you probably won't ever need to use it in real life.
The mathematical number googol is a very large number and it has the digit 1 followed by total of 100 zeroes. In total the number googol has 101 digits.
So far it is a googol. A googol is a number with a hundred zeroes or: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
A googol is equal to 10 raised to the power of 100, which is a 1 followed by 100 zeros. When you multiply 999 by a googol, you are essentially adding 999 zeros to the end of the number represented by the googol. Therefore, there are a total of 999 zeros in 999 googol.
A googol is 10^100 or 10 to the power 100, so that's 1 followed by 100 zeroes. googol x 100 = 10^102 so that's 1 followed by 102 zeroes, and that's a very BIG number!
A googol is the number 1 followed by one hundred zeroes, and a googolplex is the number 1 followed by a googol zeroes. A googolplexplex is the number 1 followed by a googolplex zeroes, and so on.
No. Infinity is not a number, so infinity googol is not a number. (However, this does not mean that some arithmetical operations cannot be defined on infinities.)
Well there's Giggol, or 10pt100, or some really biggo fancy words, like quinquacontillion
A googol is the number 1 followed by one hundred zeroes, and a googolplex is the number 1 followed by a googol zeroes. So a googolplex is much much bigger.
I believe that's Infinity. (∞) that's the symbol for infinity. <><><> No name for number that big- but infinity is bigger.
A 1 followed by 200 zeros is known as a "googol." It is a mathematical term coined by Milton Sirotta, the 9-year-old nephew of mathematician Edward Kasner. A googol is equal to 10 to the power of 100 (10^100), or written out as 1 followed by 100 zeros. It is a massive number often used to illustrate the concept of very large numbers in mathematics and science.
Because someone was playing with numbers, and wanted a big one. Having come up with 10100 he asked his kid what she thought might be a name for a large number. She said googol.