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They have the same mass/charge ratio.

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Q: Why is a mass spectrometer incapable of distinguishing between ions?
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Why is a mass spectrometer incapable of distinguishing between ions 14N plus and 14N2 plus 2?

because the species have the same m/z value (mass to charge ratio)

What instrument measures masses of ions in isotopes?

A mass spectrometer is the instrument used to measure masses of ions in isotopes. It works by ionizing the sample and then separating the ions based on their mass-to-charge ratio, providing information on the isotopic composition of an element.

Why electric field is used in mass spectrometer?

Electric fields are used in mass spectrometry to accelerate charged particles (ions) along a specific path towards a detector. By applying electric fields of varying strengths, ions of different masses are separated based on their charge-to-mass ratios. This allows the mass spectrometer to determine the mass and quantity of ions present in a sample.

What is used to ionize indium in a mass spectrometer?

Indium can be ionized in a mass spectrometer using an ionization source such as electrospray ionization (ESI) or inductively coupled plasma (ICP) ionization. These sources generate ions from the indium sample, which are then analyzed in the mass spectrometer for determination of elemental composition or isotopic ratios.

The distinguishing characteristic of all electrolyte solutions is that they?

The distinguishing characteristic of all electrolyte solutions is that they contain ions that are capable of conducting electricity. When dissolved in water, these ions can move freely and facilitate the flow of electric current.

What is the difference between Aston's mass spectrometer and Dumpsters mass spectrometer?

Aston's mass spectrometer was developed by Francis William Aston in 1919 and used a magnetic field to separate ions based on their mass-to-charge ratio, providing a more accurate measurement of atomic weights. On the other hand, "Dumpster's mass spectrometer" does not refer to a specific instrument or technique in the field of mass spectrometry; it seems to be a typographical error or confusion.

How does a spectrometer work?

The mass spectrometer is an instrument which can measure the masses and relative concentrations of atoms and molecules. It makes use of the basic magnetic force on a moving charged particle. After ionization,acceleration and selection of single velocity particles the ions move into a mass spectrometer region where the radius of the path and thus the position on the detector is a function of the mass.

How does a ionoscope work?

An ionoscope is an instrument used to detect and measure ions in a sample. It typically works by ionizing atoms or molecules in the sample and then detecting the resulting ions using a mass spectrometer or similar device. The ionoscope provides information about the composition and concentration of ions present in the sample.

What deflects the ions?

Instruments like ion optics or electrode systems are commonly used to deflect ions in mass spectrometry. These systems apply electric or magnetic fields to manipulate the ions' trajectories, allowing for separation, focusing, or redirection of the ions. The specific design and configuration of these components determine how effectively ions can be deflected based on their mass-to-charge ratios.

What happens when a neuron is polarized?

When a neuron is polarized, there is a difference in electrical charge between the inside and outside of the cell. This difference in charge is created by an uneven distribution of ions across the cell membrane. This polarization allows the neuron to generate and transmit electrical signals.

What is a maspectometer?

It seems there might be a typo in your question. However, a "mass spectrometer" is an analytical tool used to identify and quantify molecules based on their mass-to-charge ratio. It works by ionizing samples, separating ions based on their mass, and detecting the abundance of different ions.

What is the use of TOF in massspectrometer?

The ToF is the mass separator, distinguishing ions by their mass in the same way as the magnetic sector does in a magnetic sector mass spec.