the Greeks had a food that looked like a pyramid and was called something similar to it.
a pyramid
A four sided pyramid is called a square based pyramid. It has a square base and four sides,(called edges,) that join at the apex. (the top of the pyramid.)
They're not always. But anytime something is not a pyramid shape, it's not called a pyramid,it's called something else. So everything that's left ... all the things that are a pyramid shape called a pyramid.
A hexagonal pyramid
A Pyramid is a shape called a pyramid, there are no spheres in a triangulare shape.
A square based pyramid is called a square pyramid
A 7 sided pyramid would be called a heptahedral or heptahedron.
a pyramid
the pointy pyramid is just that a pyramid
it's called the great pyramid.
The top of the pyramid was called the capstone.
a pyramid is 3d
A step pyramid.
A Pyramid Scheme
A four sided pyramid is called a square based pyramid. It has a square base and four sides,(called edges,) that join at the apex. (the top of the pyramid.)
They're not always. But anytime something is not a pyramid shape, it's not called a pyramid,it's called something else. So everything that's left ... all the things that are a pyramid shape called a pyramid.
A triangular-based pyramid is called a Tetrahedron. :)