Not all toilet papers are that size. That might be the standars size because the tissue holders are that size as well. But there are othere kinds of tissues which are different in size.
Toilet paper is a standard width so it will fit in toilet paper holders.
According to the 2006 International Plumbing Code, the following are the minimum dimentions for setting a toilet: From rear wall to center of drain line = 12 1/2 inches min. (General Standard Not Code) From side wall or side cabinet to center of drain or centerline of toilet = 15 inches min. From front of toilet to front wall or cabinet = 21 inches min. From front of toilet to Toilet dispenser = 7 to 9 inches. I hope you find this usefull. Terry
If the bag is 17 inches across its widest point then yes it should. Screen size is measured across the diagonal. for example the screen I'm using is 15.4 inches (viewable area) BUT side-to-side only measures 15 inches. of paper
wher you but a mirror/ tracing paper down the middle of the page (or across etc) and the opposite side is exsact
12 inches = 1 foot if you want a conversion. A bit longer than the long side of a piece of blank paper if you want a reference.
Either on the left or right, 26 inches off the floor and 8 to 12 inches forward from the front of the toilet bowl. Reference:
I would say within arms reach of the toilet. preferably on the right side. No. If the toilet is near the corner of the room, then the wall that the toilet ISNT laying against is the place for the toilet paper roll. I prefer not to put a toilet paper roll across from the toilet. It annoys me.... i say why don't you put the toilet paper in the bathroom that's were it belongs anyway
Code minimum 15" to center of toilet from side wall.
The toilet paper is not toxic but a preference for eating paper is anomalous and it is a eating disorder, a psychiatric problem.
on some body's back side
either side it's paper
The standard placement is 20 - 24 inches from the floor up to the center of the TP holder. New toilet configuration these days my be several inches higher than the old standard toilet. If you have a newer toilet, adjust accordingly.
18 inches to center
According to the 2006 International Plumbing Code, the following are the minimum dimentions for setting a toilet: From rear wall to center of drain line = 12 1/2 inches min. (General Standard Not Code) From side wall or side cabinet to center of drain or centerline of toilet = 15 inches min. From front of toilet to front wall or cabinet = 21 inches min. From front of toilet to Toilet dispenser = 7 to 9 inches. I hope you find this usefull. Terry
Each side of a hexagon must be 12.5 inches in order for the widest part to be 25 inches across.
12x12 paper is 12 inches on each side; the area of a sheet of 12x12 paper is 144 square inches or one square foot.
If you have the package please read the instructions. If not, then there is usually a plate with 4 screws and you screw it into the wall near the toilet. Then slip toilet paper over the aluminum roller and clip in. (You will see two holes or notches on each side (inside) of the plate.