No because an equilateral triangle is a regular polygon whereas an obtuse triangle is irregular
it is an irregular shape
As it wouldn't be a triangle. If you forced this, you would then have formed an irregular polygon square missing a side.
obtuse triangle
It is irregular
No because an equilateral triangle is a regular polygon whereas an obtuse triangle is irregular
it is an irregular shape
As it wouldn't be a triangle. If you forced this, you would then have formed an irregular polygon square missing a side.
obtuse triangle
An obtuse triangle has an obtuse angle.
An oxymoron. An equilateral triangle cannot be obtuse; an obtuse triangle cannot be equilateral.
obtuse triangle
A triangle with 1 obtuse angle is called an obtuse triangle.
This depends on the polygon.For a triangle (3-sides) : maximum 1 obtuse angle.Quadrialteral (4-sides): maximum 3 obtuse angles.For polygons with more sides, it is possible for all angles to be obtuse.
-- No right triangle, acute triangle, or equilateral triangle has an obtuse angle in it. -- If a triangle has an obtuse angle in it, then it's called an obtuse triangle. -- No triangle can have more than one obtuse angle in it .