because it would be every positive number and there are infinaty numbers so people don't do it.
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
Swap the numerator and the denominator to obtain 1/0. Anything divided by zero is undefined.
The slope of any vertical Line is undefined because anything divided by zero is undefined.
Anything divided by 0 is UNDEFINED thus its not possible e.g. x/0 = undefined x= any number
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
The property of Zero states the anything multiplied by zero = zero and that anything divided by zero is undefined.
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
Swap the numerator and the denominator to obtain 1/0. Anything divided by zero is undefined.
Basically, its undefined What do you get when you divide 0 by 0? It's commonly known that it's impossible to divide any number by 0; the answer is undefined. Her answer: “Imagine that you have 0 cookies and you split them evenly among 0 friends.
No, zero divided by anything is considered 'undefined' which means there is no answer. However, the answer would be zero, not 0.1
The slope of any vertical Line is undefined because anything divided by zero is undefined.
anything (except zero) divided by zero is infinityzero divided by zero is undefined (there are ways to get definite answers for this using calculus in some cases)
With the exception of zero, anything can be divided by anything. Division by zero is undefined. Some odd numbers are divisible by 6, some aren't.