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Because a circle does not have length times width so pi is in it's place.

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Q: Why is area of circle equals pi r squared?
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What is area of a circle if circumference equals pi divided by 2?

Area of a circle is: pi times radius squared

How is pi used to determine the area of a circle?

Area of a circle equals pi (3.14) times the radius squared.

How do you fin the area of a circle?

The area of a circle equals pi x r squared or A = pi x r2 A = area of circle pi = approximatley 3.14 r = radius

If the area of a circle is 25 square units what is the radius of the circle?

area equals pi r squared therefor r squared equals area over pi. Now find square root of r squared and you have "R" (radius) = 2.821

Is the area of a circle is twice the radius?

Area equals pi times the radius squared.

Does the area of a circle equal pi?

no, the area of a circle equals pi times the radius squared or circumference times diameter over four.

What is the area of a circle with a circumference of 10 pi?

Using 3.14 as Pi the area of circle is: 0

What is the formula for the surface area of a circle?

The formula for the surface area of a circle is pi times the square of the radius. It is represented as A equals pi times r squared.

What value should you get if you divide the area of any circle by the square of its radius?

You will get pi since area of a circle equals pi* times radius Mona Martinez

What is the area of a circle if the diameter is 9.75 if pi is 3.14?

The area equals pi times the radius squared. The radius is half the diameter. The area of the circle = (9.75/2)2(3.14) = 74.6240625 or about 74.6 units squared.

Formula of area of a circle?

Area of a circle = pi*radius2 measured in square units

Area of a circle with 2 inch diameter?

In a circle, Area = pi times radius squared: A = (pi)(r^2) Since the diameter equals 2 inches, the radius is one inch: A = (pi)(1^2) A = pi = 3.14 inches squared