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Well because she has an amazing guy in her life who will always be there for here and call her beautiful everyday and she is nice,funny and has the cutest laugh and smile ever and i love her!

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my Name is brittani LeeAnn coppens and coppens is how you spell it so yeah and i am not from a nother country i am from a nother planet ... we come in peace!!!!! @$#*%&#^$*($&^$*#&$(#^@*$%(*#&$)($)#*$($% we come in peace &$&@(#($)(*)$%(&@#)*^@#)*^*)(^(#$^(@^#$(*^(#^(*@^#(^*()^$(*@#$^*(^@(#^(*@^#$(*&^@#(*^*(^$(@#^(*@#^$(*&@^$(*#^(*^#(*E^(*@#^$(*^$*@(@^#(*^@(*#^(*@#*(^#(*&#$()*&_(*)_*)_*(&#$*($*(&@%&*%@#($%(#$^(*^%(*(%$*(#%&%$#*(%$)**(*(&$$*(&%$*&(%$*%*($#&*#&$()&%()#&$()%&#$()%&#$*#)^%*)(#%)*&%)#&$()%&#$(%)&()#$%*#()$%*()*$%)(#*)($ and i love you all

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