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Q: Why is conflict likely when two or more religious fractions occupy the same region?
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Why is conflict likely when two or more religious factions occupy the same region?

disagreement over beliefs

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Why is there more conflict when two or more religious groups occupy the same region?

Often times, the two groups have conflicting beliefs. However, sometimes, like in the U.S., you get groups that are required by law to be tolerant of each other.

Which sample is most likely to take the shape of and occupy the total volume of its container?

A gas sample is most likely to take the shape of and occupy the total volume of its container because gas particles are highly compressible and move freely within the container to fill all available space. Liquids also take the shape of their container but may not occupy the total volume due to intermolecular forces preventing complete expansion. Solids have a fixed shape and volume, so they do not conform to the shape of their container.

What class of people were allowed to occupy a 3- room suite on the Titanic?

it seems most likely 1st class

What is a sentence with the word ''occupy''?

The forces will occupy the city tonight.He looked for a book to occupy his time with.I need something to occupy myself.

Why did European monarchs send missionaries and other religious officials newly conquered land?

The reason European monarchs sent missionaries and other religious officials to newly conquered land is because their own armies weren't disciplined enough or willing to occupy the land which was conquered, whereas the missionaries and religious leaders wanted to convert others to their religion and were willing to occupy the conquered lands and did so for it was their mission to convert others to to their religion This worked in the past and it still works today. The US shouldn't be involved in a religious war between the Sunnis and the Shiites that has been going on for hundreds of years. This is a religious war only and the mission of both the Sunnis and the Shiites is to kill each other and the mission of the extremists of both the Sunnis and the Shiites is to kill all those who aren't of their religion or to kill those of their faith who don't think and act as they. The western nations should never be involved in religious wars in any other nation unless the intent of the western nations is to invade and occupy the nation or nations where a declaration of war is made by a western nation. The nations in the Middle East have been governed by religious and tribal leaders for centuries and the religious and tribal leaders will never give up this form of governing, nor will the population of the countries involved as this is their religious culture and will continue to be so unless their religious culture is changed from within or the countries which practice this religious culture are invaded and occupied by another religious culture. The Roman Empire wasn't able to expand and control Europe when they invaded countries in Western Europe because they weren't able to occupy the territory they invaded. What is taking place in the Middle Eastern nations now is no different than the failed occupation of the Roman Empire. Any invasion by any country over another country will fail for this same reason. Why don't the political leaders realize this leave the religious fighting to be fought by factions involved without interfering with the religious culture of the nations where there is a conflict between religious culture? Let them be and they will take care of themselves by and for themselves as they have been doing for centuries.

How do you use the word occupy in a sentence?

We will occupy our enemy for the time being.He decided to occupy himself with some painting.

Why is Jerusalem believed to be important?

Jerusalem has played an important role in the history of three of the world's major religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Because of the religious significance of the city, it has long been a bone of contention between these religious groups. Each religious group believes that they have the best claim to it as well as a divine mandate to occupy it.

A gas is most likely to change to the liquid phase when the pressure on the gas?

Increases and the temperature decreases, causing the gas molecules to come closer together and lose kinetic energy, leading to condensation.

When two different bird spiecies temporarily occupy the same niche they would most likely?

Compete for resources until one species outcompetes the other or until they partition the resources to reduce competition.

How do you occupy a town on Ikariam?

Send troop to occupy like pillage but use command occupy town