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The volume and mass of a substance are independent of the substance itself, but depend upon how much there is of the substance

The density of a substance is the relation between how much volume you have of a substance and how much mass that volume has (and vice-versa). It is independent of how much there is of the substance and is thus a characteristic of the substance.

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Q: Why is density a characteristic of a substance and volume and mass are not?
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Why are mass and volume not characteristic properties but the density of a material is?

Mass and volume can vary depending on the size or amount of a substance, while density remains constant for a specific material. Density is a characteristic property because it is unique to each substance and helps identify the substance regardless of its mass or volume.

What characteristic property measured in grams per cubic centimeter that tells a substance's mass per until volume?

The characteristic property that measures a substance's mass per unit volume is density. Density is typically expressed in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³) or kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³).

How do you calculate the density of a substance?

The density of a substance is calculated by dividing its mass by its volume. The formula for density is: Density = Mass / Volume. This calculation gives you a measure of how tightly packed the molecules are in a given sample of the substance.

When you divide the mass of a substance by its volume you get its what?

You get its density. Density is a measure of how much mass is contained within a specific volume of a substance.

Is mass characteristic property?

No definitely not.Because a characteristic property should not change.It is used to identify a substance.Mass and Volume are not characteristic properties whereas Density is a characteristic property of the substance .

How much mass there is in a volume of a substance?

If the density of the substance is known, then you can calculate it. Density = Mass/Volume, so Mass = Density x Volume

How could density be used to determine the mass of a particular volume of a substance?

To determine the mass of a particular volume of a substance using density, you would multiply the density of the substance by the volume of the sample. The resulting value would give you the mass of the substance based on the known density and volume relationship (mass = density x volume).

Is the density of a substance equal to its volume times its mass?

No, the density of a substance is equal to its mass divided by its volume. Density is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume of a substance.

Why does the density of a substance not change no matter how much of the substance you have?

The density of a substance is a characteristic property that is inherent to the substance itself. It is defined as mass per unit volume and remains constant regardless of the amount of the substance present. Therefore, as you increase the volume, the mass also increases proportionally, maintaining the same density.

The mass per unit volume of a substance is its?

Density = Mass/ volume

Is the density of a substance obtained by dividing its volume with its weight?

The density is measured by dividing the mass of the substance with it's volume. Density = Mass/Volume.

The density of a substance is a state of matter of the substance?

Density is actually a physical property of a substance, representing the amount of mass present in a unit volume of the substance. It is not a state of matter but rather a characteristic that helps describe how closely packed the particles of a substance are.