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The equation for working out the temperature in fahrenheit from celsius is f = 9c/5 + 32

In other words, you multiply by slightly less than two, and then add more on. Therefore for many temperatures, just doubling would be a good approximation. Indeed, when the temperature is 160celsius, doubling would be correct.

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Q: Why is doubling the Celsius temperature a good approximation?
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What is the useful conversation rate of Fahrenheit to Celsius?

At very high temperatures (thousands or millions of degrees), Fahrenheit is Celsius times 1.8; Celsius is Fahrenheit divided by 1.8. This is actually an approximation, but that is usually good enough for most practical purposes. For example, if the temperature of the core of a star is specified as 14 million Celsius, that's an estimate in any case. For lower temperatures, you usually need to use the exact formula.

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What temperature should a plecostomus fish be kept at?

A good temperature is anywhere from 74 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (23 to 28 degrees Celsius).

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Goldfish can live in water temperatures between 18-25 degrees Celsius. They can tolerate slight fluctuations outside of this range, but prolonged exposure to temperatures outside of this range can be harmful to their health.

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At 27 degrees Celsius, the speed of air molecules would depend on various factors such as pressure and density. However, the average speed of air molecules at room temperature (~27 degrees Celsius) is typically around 460 meters per second.

Would -6 Celsius be a good temperature for ice skating?

Yes, -6 Celsius is a good temperature for ice skating as it is below freezing and will help maintain the ice's integrity. Just make sure to dress warmly and check that the ice is safe before skating.

What temperature is good for swimming in Las Vegas?

Above 15 degrees Celsius and above 10 if it's heated.

Is 40 degrees celsius hot for a CPU?

No, it's actually a good temperature. You should start to worry if your CPU's temperature gets into the 80s or high 70s.

What room temperature is best for sex?

The ideal room temperature for sex can vary depending on personal preference, but generally a comfortable temperature around 68-72°F (20-22°C) is ideal. It's important to ensure that both partners are comfortable and can focus on enjoying the experience without being too hot or too cold.

IS it a good idea to wear shorts outside when it's 3 degrees Celsius?

It is not recommended to wear shorts when it's 3 degrees Celsius as this temperature is quite cold and you risk getting cold, especially on your legs. It is better to wear long pants or thicker layers to stay warm.

Which unit is used to measure how warm or cool the air is?

Degrees: Fahrenheit, or Celsius To get Fahrenheit from Celsius: Multiply the temperature (Celsius) times 1.8, then add 32 ex: 40 deg C X (1.8 )= 72 + (32) = 104 degrees Fahrenheit

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