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It does not mean it is necesarily hard; the thing is: since you find math relatively easy, it seems as if essay writing is a hard thing to do.


When your good at math and science you think of things like a formula or a recipe. You always can remember the formulas that are given to you. With writing however there is not much to go off of. It's more of a matter of creativity. You'll often see that girls are better at writing on average. This is because they are creative while guys find their own ways to following the set formulas.

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Q: Why is essay writing so hard for one person if he is good at math?
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Why is essay writing so hard?

Usually, it is hard for two reasons. First, you are most often asked to write an essay about a topic or situation that you initially know little about. Second, it can seem difficult because you have not practiced essay writing. It will not aways seem strange and difficult. Try this for practice. Write a short essay about your favorite activity or interest. Concentrate on your enjoyment of the interest. When you look back at the essay, you will be able to see it with a critical eye, using ideas you've learned in class. You will begin to see how the pieces can fall together to produce good writing, and you will get a grasp of the kinds of things you need to know about a topic in order to produce a good essay. Whatever you do, just write. You'll never play the Polonaise if you don't practice the piano.

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