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risk evation is one of the reason why decision making is looked upon as dangerous and expensive if it comes to the application of knowledge acquire

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Q: Why is experience often reffered to not only as an expensive base of decision making but also a dangerous one?
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What kind of number is -17?

It is a negative number and can also be reffered to as an integer.

Why was Pythagoras reffered to as the Pythagoras of samos?

Pythagoras was called "Pythagoras of Samos" because he was born in Samos.

A combination of eight 0s and 1's binary digit is reffered to?

A binary number containing eight bits is referred to as one "Byte". A binary number containing four bits is referred to as one "Nibble".

Who invented the digits 0 to 9?

The ten digits (integers) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are frequently reffered to as the Arabic numerals.However, they were invented (we do not know by who) in India around 500 AD.

Is there any Importance of seven in Bible?

The number seven is extremely important in the Bible and in fact, is mentioned more times than any other number. The number 7 is actually translated meaning "to be married to". So when couples were married in Bible times, they were seven. This can also be for Christians being seven to God. 7 is also found many times in the book of numbers (obviously). In the march around Jericho, they marched for 7 days and 7 times on the 7th day. There were 7 priests, and 7 trumpets. 7 has many more meanings as well. If you have a concordance in your Bible, it may give references to more meanings. ------------------------ Also 7 is reffered to as being 'complete' When God created the earth he rested on the seventh day, and that was the day that the earth was complete,(Of course by reading other scriptures in he bible we learn that it wasn't a literal 7 days, but rather MANY MANY MORE years) there is a few instances where 7 is used to represent completion.

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