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Finance is important to business as without it businesses would not be able to start up or survive. In order to start a business sources of finance are needed such as grants or loans used to buy essential items such as a vehicles, premesis and other equipment. Finance is needed for a businesss to coninue running as money is needed to face running costs such as electicity and rent. Finance is also needed in expanding a business.

If you plan the financial side of a business accurately you will be able to track the progress of your business in terms of profit and cash surpluses. Accurate financial documents will allow you to keep track of your cash flow and monitor how much of your loans you have paid off. You can measure your success through accurate fiancial planning. Financial documents will allow you to see when you have enough retained profits to expand and improve your business.

We must remember a proverb that It takes money to make money. Every new venture needs seed money. It is required for many purposes, ranging from survival in bad times to bolstering the next success in good ones. It is as important as vision and a great product, they are crucial to making the good stuff happen.

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Q: Why is finance so important in the running and success of any business?
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What is personal finance?

Personal finance is 2 and personal. The finance thing is money. Money is logical and financial success requires that you pursue specific behaviors to properly manage your money to that end. One of those specific behaviors is using the dynamics of compound interest and compounding financial gains. There are 3 finance tools...the personal budget, the personal balance sheet and the personal life plan. For success you need to spend less than you make (budget), own more than you owe (balance sheet) and know where you are going or you might not get there (life plan). The personal thing is your human psychology and how it affects your capacity to manage money and engage in the specific behaviors that result in financial success. The psychological is affected by IQ, age, addictions, mental illness and a built in capacity to make excuses for financial shortcomings. Put this together and you have personal finance. Personal Finance are those loan/finance that you need for some business or personal use. There are many types of loans available in the financial market. You may use personal loans for getting home, starting a business and buying a car.

What are the qualification to susses in the bu-sines world?

One important qualification is to be able to communicate well and to do that you need to be able to spell correctly. success. business.

What is the difference between succeed and achieve?

Achieve involves accomplishing something while success is an overall positive outcome. You can reach success through many achievements. Example. Jon had many academic achievements under his belt, including a law and medical degree. He acheived his goal of getting married before 25, and creating his own business. Jon is a success story!

What is the difference between success at and success in?

Success at means the goal. Success in means the result.

What is transformational leadership as it applies to business management?

Transformational leadership inspires organizational success by dramatically affecting workers' attitudes about what an organization should be as well as their basic values, such as trust, fairness, and reliability.

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hi this is umapathi raja , i graduated master in business administration. according to my view positive attitude is most important to any business as well as daily life. and education is not important to business success, many celebritys they dont have higher education , but now they are in higher position in the business. so education is not important to success business. thanking you, your's umapathi raja

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