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Because you have to do work on the pair ... add work to them ...

in order to separate them.

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Q: Why is gravitational potential near to an isolated mass negative?
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Why the values of gravitational potential near to an isolated mass are all negative?

The gravitational potential near an isolated mass is negative because it is defined as the work per unit mass required to bring an object from infinity to that point. Since energy is required to move an object against the force of gravity, the potential energy is negative close to a mass as work is done to move an object towards the mass against its gravitational pull.

Can the gravitational potential energy of an object be negative?

Yes, the gravitational potential energy of an object can be negative. This typically happens when the reference point for measuring potential energy is chosen to be at a higher level than the object's current position.

What is difference between gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential?

Gravitational potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position in a gravitational field, while gravitational potential is the potential energy an object has per unit mass at a particular location in a gravitational field. Gravitational potential depends on the mass of the object while gravitational potential energy depends on the object's mass and position.

Will mass affect the amount of gravitational potential energy?

Yes. Mass is one of the variables (mass, gravity and height) for which gravitational potential energy is the product (meaning the multiplication of), so increasing mass will increase the gravitational potential energy in direct proportion.

Does an object have more potential energy the more mass it has?

Yes, an object with more mass typically has a greater potential energy because potential energy is dependent on both the height and mass of the object. Objects with more mass have a greater gravitational potential energy at a given height compared to objects with less mass.

What factor affects gravitational potential energy?

Gravitational potential energy is affected by an object's mass, the acceleration due to gravity, and the height at which the object is located. As the mass or height increases, gravitational potential energy also increases.

How do the mass and height of an object affect the gravitational potential energy?

The gravitational potential energy of an object is directly proportional to both its mass and height above the reference point. As the mass of the object increases, so does its gravitational potential energy. Similarly, as the height of the object increases, its gravitational potential energy also increases.

What does gravitational potential energy depend on of the object?

Gravitational potential energy depends on the mass of the object, the acceleration due to gravity, and the height of the object above a reference point.

Gravitational potential energy depends on what 3 variables?

Gravitational potential energy depends on the object's mass, the strength of the gravitational field, and the height of the object above a reference point.

What are the two factors Gravitational potential energy depends on?

Gravitational potential energy depends on an object's mass and its height above a reference point, such as the ground. The greater the mass and height of an object, the higher its gravitational potential energy.

How does mass affect gravitational potential energy?

the formula for gravitational potential energy if mgh(mass X gravity X height). gravity is always 9.81m/s2. assume height is constant, more mass means more gravitational potential energy and vice versa

Is gravitational potential a scalal or vecror quantity?

Gravitational potential is a scalar quantity. It represents the amount of energy per unit mass at a point in a gravitational field. When considering gravitational potential, only the magnitude of the potential is important, not its direction.