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Q: Why is it better to build and test a prototype of a product than to produce ten of thousands of the product and then it?
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When is it better to round to the tens place rather than the hundreds or thousands place?

When your number is less than fifty.

How can an existing product be changed to incorporate different processes to make it less expensive and give better performance?

You can use synthetic materials

What does industrial engineers do?

An Industrial Engineer is an engineer who works in a factory. His job is to solve any problems which come up when the factory is making a product which has been designed by Desing Engineers.The Design Engineer decides what a product's characteristics should be, builds and tests a prototype (a sample model), and supplies detailed drawings and specifications to Manufacturing (which operates the factory). If the drawings and specs are good enough, Manufacturing will have no problem building hundreds or thousands of products. However, often the specs are incomplete or inconsistent. Then the Industrial Engineer figures out what's wrong with the specs and corrects them so Manufacturing can proceed. Naturally, he usually must confer with the Design Engineers to get the problem solved.Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering concerned with the development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, material and process. It also deals with designing new prototypes to help save money and make the prototype better. Industrial engineering draws upon the principles and methods of engineering analysis and synthesis, as well as mathematical, physical and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems. In lean manufacturing systems, industrial engineers work to eliminate wastes of time, money, materials, energy, and other resources.

What is four and one fourths times one sixths?

4 1/4 as a mixed number can be written as an improper fraction to better multiply it: 17/4 The product of an expression such as 17/4 x 1/6 is equal to the product of the numerators divided by the product of the denominators so (17*1)/(4*6)=17/24

Why commerce is important?

In basic economic theory, it is because of revealed comparative advantage (RCA). If two people can make two products, there is always an RCA such that the two can produce more together if each one specialises. Even if one person is a less efficient producer of both products, it is better for that person to produce what they are less bad at producing and let the better producer concentrate on whatever they have the greater edge on. By doing so, the two can produce more together than going it alone. Then, they trade - and that is where the commerce comes in. As a result, each person would be better off than trying to be self-sufficient and not trading.

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What is throwaway prototyping?

A prototype is typically build to better understand some aspect of the final project. If you don't intend to use any part of the prototype in the final produce, it can be said to be a throwaway.

Is brink better than prototype?

in my opinion i think brink is better than prototype.

What game is better red faction guerrilla or prototype?

. . . . . ..PrototypE.. . . . . .

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What prototype is better 1 or 2?

Prototype 2 is better due to the better graphics and more powers that you have but you play as someone differnt. his name is James Heller

Which game is better dead space or prototype?

way better!! prototype is like grand theft auto 4 combined with super powers!

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Which is better infamous or prototype?

ethier their both is raw

What is done daily by a product development specialist?

they produce new products and find better ways to help people

What is The ability to produce more cheaply?

Economies of scale refer to the cost advantages that result from larger production volumes. This occurs when the average cost of production decreases as a firm produces more units. As a company increases its scale of operations, it can benefit from cost savings in areas such as raw materials, equipment, and distribution.

What Game Is Better Assassin's Creed or Prototype?

I would recommend Assassin's Creed.

Is infamous better than prototype on ps3?

Yes, the graphics, story, and gameplay are far s uperior. Prototype is a good game, but if you are a PS3 owner then it would be better to get inFAMOUS. i agree but who would you think would win, infamous or prototype? they both have awsome amasing powers and they were both givin these powers acidentally! i like both games and both characters! I chose Prototype over Infamous, its more bad-ass and feels more 'grown up' than a childish super hero in blue lycra who has static fingers... ---------------------------------------- I think that yes, inFAMOUS is not better than prototype, but you should get inFAMOUS 2 because it is far more superior to prototype.