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Q: Why is it difficult to pick a coin placed at the bottom of a bucket filled with water?
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What is the water displacement method for i have no clue what it is someone please help me?

The water Displacement method is simply when there are 2 cups and a tray. The first bucket has a spout, and is filled to the max with water. Then a second smaller bucket is placed inside. The tray on the bottom collects water that has spilled out (the water that spills is equal to the objets mass). When objects are placed in the small bucket, it pushes water out of the the larger one, and fills the tray. The tray can then be weighed to see how much mass the object has. Hope this helps! =) -A twelve year old

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First a hole must be drilled or dug, then the object is dropped therein. Alternatively, the object may be placed in a suitable container such as a box or a bucket, and the container then filled with loose soil.

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The solution in the bucket would be more diluted compared to the solution in the bag. This is because the water in the bucket, which is less salty at 0.3 percent, would mix with the salt water in the bag, resulting in a less concentrated overall solution in the bucket.

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When a dropper is filled with water and placed in a bottle, it initially sinks to the bottom due to its density. As the dropper fills with water, its overall density decreases, causing it to float back to the top. This change in density allows the dropper to switch between floating and sinking based on the amount of water it holds.

What is placed inside the balloon that form its shape?

The balloon is filled with a gas.

What happens when an egg is place in glass half-filled with water?

An egg placed in a glass half-filled with water will sink to the bottom if it is fresh, as the density of the egg is higher than that of water. However, if the egg is not fresh and has started to go bad, it may float due to the accumulation of gases inside the shell.

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It will certainly not keep the water in the bucket from freezing and, if the temperature goes low enough, the bottled salt water will also freeze.

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Clay and loam are both commonly placed on the bottom of ponds.

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What is a Religieuse?

A religieuse is a pastry made of two "choux" of choux pastry filled with custard. A chou is placed on top of the other, then sealed to it. "Religieuse" meaning "nun", the top chou is supposed to represent the nun's head and the bottom one, her body.