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Im going to try to answer this, I think its hard because when your going down current you are moving the same way as the current. If you go against it the water pushes on you making it harder to get foward. If the current is going 5 miles an hour and you swim with the current you will have 5 mph added to your speed. If you swim against it 5 mph is deducted. Hope i answered it correctly

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Q: Why is it difficult to swim against the current?
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They are too weak and small to fight against the current.

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No, you should NOT try to you swim against a rip current or rip tide. You will NOT usually make it back to shore. Instead, you should swim perpendicular to the rip. It will carry you down shore, but you'll get to shore safely.

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Make the rescue and swim along the current, so if the current is coming from in front of you go to your left or right, not forward and against it.

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Because of their minute size and inability to swim against the current.

What to do when being pulled out to sea by strong currents?

It's the same as if you were swimming normally, swim 50m at a 45 degree angle to the current or if you are not a strong swimmer let the current take you out the swim 50m'sat a 90 degree angle to escape, never try to swim directly against a current or rips you will exhaust yourself and drown

What is the worst thing you can do if a current pulls you out to sea?

The worst thing to do when an ocean current pulls one out to sea is to try and swim against it and try to get to shore at once. The best thing to do is to remain calm and swim parallel to the shore. When there is some type of relief, then a person can try to swim to shore.