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It is easier to push a moving object than an object of the same mass because the weight on the moving object is less and out more.... I know this doesn't quite make sense but email me at for a better explenation... i will help in the next 12 hours!

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Q: Why is it easier to push moving object than to push stationary object of the same mass?
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How much momentum does a stationary 5500kg mass have?

A stationary object has zero momentum since momentum is the product of an object's mass and its velocity. In this case, since the object is not moving, its momentum is zero.

Does a stationary object have momentum?

No, a stationary object does not have momentum because momentum is the product of an object's mass and its velocity. If an object is not moving (velocity is zero), then its momentum will also be zero.

What is the effect of a pushing or pulling force on a stationary object?

A pushing or pulling force will cause a stationary object to start moving in the direction of the force. The object will accelerate depending on the magnitude of the force and the mass of the object.

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That tendency is called inertia. It is an object's resistance to changes in its motion and is dependent on its mass.

Have the least momentum?

An object with the least momentum would be one that is either stationary or moving very slowly. Momentum is the product of an object's mass and velocity, so an object with a small mass and low speed would have the least momentum.

Does it take more force to accelerate a moving object?

No, it takes the same force to accelerate a moving object as it does to accelerate a stationary object, according to Newton's first law of motion. The force required depends on the mass of the object and the desired acceleration.

What is vector and scalar mass?

Vector mass refers to the mass of an object with both magnitude and direction, an example being a moving asteroid with a specific mass and velocity. Scalar mass refers to the mass of an object with only magnitude, such as a stationary object with a specific quantity of mass.

All moving objects have momentum?

Momentum is the product of an object's mass and its velocity, and only moving objects have momentum. If an object is stationary, it has zero momentum. Momentum is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction, and is conserved in a closed system with no external forces acting on it.

Does a stationary object has interia and momentum?

Yes, a stationary object still possesses inertia, which is its resistance to changes in motion. However, since momentum is dependent on an object's mass and velocity, a stationary object has zero momentum.

What is the mass of an object moving at 4 miles a second that has the same momentum?

The mass of an object moving at 4 miles per second with the same momentum as an object at rest can be calculated using the equation for momentum, which is mass multiplied by velocity. If we consider the momentum of a stationary object to be 1 unit, then the mass of the object moving at 4 miles per second to have the same momentum would be 0.25 units.

When does an object have no kenetic energy?

An object has no kinetic energy when it is at rest or stationary, meaning it is not moving. Kinetic energy is the energy associated with an object in motion, so if the object is not moving, it does not possess any kinetic energy.

How do I calculate the velocity of an object which hits a stationary object if I know the mass of both objects and the distance the stationary object was moved what else must I know to calculate?

In addition to the mass of both objects and the distance the stationary object was moved, you need to know the coefficient of restitution or the type of collision (elastic or inelastic). This information will help you determine how much kinetic energy was transferred during the collision and allow you to calculate the velocity of the moving object before and after the collision.