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Q: Why is it essential for you to take accurate measurements of the patients?
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How accurate are different types of flow meters in measuring FEV1?

Peak flow meters are less accurate in measuring FEV1 compared to spirometers. In general, spirometers are the gold standard for accurately measuring FEV1. Additionally, the accuracy of flow meters can depend on proper technique and calibration.

What three steps can you take to ensure that measurements are both accurate and precise?

you can predict

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although primative, the quadrant enabled explorers to take accurate measurements

When taking skinfold measurment readingd only one attempt per site is necessary for an accurate reading?

False, take the average of three measurements.

How you could change your drawing so that the side view would be more exaggerated?

Take the actually measurements in kilometers (km) and convert them to centimeters (cm) and record them so that the measurements will be more accurate.

Modern measuring devices take advantage of new technologies to perform more accurate measurements than older devices?


If you measure the mass of an object four times and get values that are very close to one another the measurements are said to be .?

If you measure the mass of an object four times and get values that are very close to one another, the measurements are said to be precise. Precision refers to how close repeated measurements are to each other, regardless of whether they are accurate compared to a true value.

What are the uses of modern measuring devices?

Modern measuring devices take advantage of new technologies to perform more accurate measurements than older devices.

What are three steps can you take to insure both accurate and precise measurements?

Calibrate measuring instruments regularly to ensure accuracy. Take multiple measurements and calculate the average to increase precision. Follow proper measurement techniques and minimize sources of error to improve both accuracy and precision.

What three steps can you take to insure that your measurment are both accurate and precise?

you can predict, estimate or use mathematical tools to make sure your measurements are precise and accurate i improved this answer i didn't change anything except for the punctuation i am not sure if this is right!!

What is the primary reason scientist repeat the measurements they take during experiments?

Scientists repeat measurements to ensure the reliability and reproducibility of their results. By conducting multiple measurements, they can identify any errors or inconsistencies in their data and make more accurate conclusions. It also helps to confirm the validity of their findings.

What measurements will each of these instruments take?

There is no instrument on that list that can take any reliable measurements.