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Because most other civilizations where still stuggling to grip language

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It is important that the Egyptians had mastered math and science by 2600 BC because these advancements laid the foundation for further advancements in various fields. They allowed for accurate surveying and construction of monumental structures, development of calendars, understanding of astronomy and celestial events, and advancements in medicine and engineering. This knowledge formed the basis of their civilization and contributed to their cultural and technological progress.

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Q: Why is it important that by the year 2600BC Egyptians had mastered the laws of math and science?
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When were the pyramids built?

Ancient Egypt AnswerThe pyramids in Egypt were built during the reign of various Pharoahs dating from around 2700 BC to 1500 BC. The exact dates are estimates, because records of the time were often incomplete or conflicting.There are more than 138 recorded pyramids that still exist in Egypt. The Red Pyramid and the Bent Pyramid at Darshur are among the oldest, built by the pharoah Snofru (Sneferu)who ruled from about 2613 BC to 2589 BC.The three best-known pyramids are at Giza (the location of the Sphinx) and were built later. The Great Pyramid (aka the Pyramid of Khufu) was likely completed around 2540 BC.Later pyramids were built of lesser size and durability, and many have been partly or completely lost over time._________________________________________________________Additional AnswerIt actually depends on which pyramids you are referring to. The Egyptians were not the only civilisation to construct vast pyramids and certainly were not the first either. If you are referring to the Ancient Egyptians, the above answer is correct.However ...The Mayans are another great example of pyramid builders. Building a pyramid in the Mayan Empire was so much more difficult than building pyramids in Egypt, because the Mayans had to somehow travel with huge stones through deadly rainforests teeming with obstacles and predators. How they managed to do that is still a mystery to us.The Mayan temples began to appear at the height of the Mayan Empire. The oldest Mayan pyramid according to archaeological carbon dating, dates back to around 3,000BC. Which is older than the Egyptian pyramids.Aztec pyramids, also known as Mesoamerican pyramids, were built around 1100AD. Aztec pyramids were not only built for religious reasons, but they were also built to be the centre of their cities, symbolising the "mountain of the city" which, in Aztec belief, brings wealth and fertility to the citizens.The Ancient Mesopotamians, Ancient Assyrians and Ancient Sumerians also built pyramid-like structures called Ziggurats.Ziggurats were generally religious temples influenced by astronomy.Ziggurats began to appear around 2,200BC.Ancient Babylonians are also known to have built an incredible pyramid called Etemenankia. However this structure has become a victim of time and conflict, being reduced now to just a few columns and the multi-coloured base that the pyramid once stood on. Therefore we do not know much about the Babylonian pyramid or how old it is.The Ancient Chinese also built pyramid mounds above burial chambers of their emperors, full of terracotta armies and treasures. The Ancient Chinese pyramids were mostly made from dirt, therefore carbon dating on the older Chinese pyramids is pretty much useless, since the dirt obviously existed before the pyramids did. Many of the Chinese pyramids were purposefully surrounded by trees and vegetation to camouflage them into their surroundings. Because of this, many hundreds of Chinese pyramids remain hidden today or even completely destroyed by nature itself. The oldest Chinese pyramid was built in around 1,050BC. However, as stated above, carbon dating on these pyramids are very difficult.The Igbo people of Nigeria built pyramids known as Nsude Pyramids, to honour their god, Uto. Carbon dating is too difficult to perform on these pyramids, as they were mostly made of mud and clay.The Ancient Greeks also built pyramids, though most no longer survive.The Greek Pyramid of Hellinikon was built as a tomb for Greek soldiers who died in the legendary battle for the throne of Argos.There was also a pyramid built for Argives, who was killed in a battle around 669BC, but that has been lost.Greek pyramids are believed to have originated around 2,000 BC.Nubian pyramids in Sudan were built as burial grounds for kings and queens. They are steeper than Egyptian pyramids. There are at least 255 pyramids in Sudan (Egypt only has 138). They were believed to have first been built in 2600BC.Ancient Koreans build pyramids to bury their prestigious leaders. Dangun, the founder of Ancient Korea (then known as Gojoseon) is buried in a pyramid. The oldest carbon dating on Korean pyramids seems to point to 668 BC.The Ancient Romans are known to have built pyramid-structures, such as the Pyramid of Cestius, which is a tomb for Gaius Cestius. Most Roman pyramids have now been destroyed, but we believe they were used to bury important people. They originated around the end of the 1st century BC.The Chola Empire, which is now Southern India, built granite pyramids for religious worship. They are still in use today by modern Indians. They were built around the 3rd century BC onwards.Ancient inhabitants of Indonesia built step-pyramids structures. They were built because of the native belief that mountains and high places are abodes for the spirits of their ancestors. They were built around the 8th century.Around 3000-2500 BCalong time ago in 2650BC the step pyramid of king Djoser at saqarraBetween 2600BC and 2480BC