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Money must be divisible so that iteams of various prices can be purchased.

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Q: Why is it important that money be divisible?
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Why is it important for money to be both portable and divisible?

Money must be divisible so that items of various prices can be purchased.

What is Federal divisible pool taxes?

Divisible Pool= "Pool" from which money is shared between Federation and provinces

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Why is representative money more useful than commodity money?

What is the difference between commodity money and representative money

What are commodities of money?

some disadvantages of commodity money are its not portable, durable, or divisible, it usually works in small economies

How does modern money reflect the characteristics of money?

modern money is divisible. the penny, which is the smallest denomination of coin is small enough for almost any purchase

What are disadvantages of commodity money?

some disadvantages of commodity money are its not portable, durable, or divisible, it usually works in small economies

Is 705220 divisible by 3?

No, it is not divisible by 3 Alternative answer Yes it is divisible by 3 but not to a whole number 705,220 divided by 3 = 235073.333333r e.g. three people won £705.220 on the lottery, if they divided the money equally they would each get £235,073.33

Why must money be divisible?

money must be easily divisible so that it would not be destroyed in the process. one would not want to buy goods and not get back the change that is due to them. As a result any commodity that is being used as money must be one that can facilitate giving back change without being destroyed.

What are the Four main disadvantages of commodity money?

some disadvantages of commodity money are its not portable, durable, uniform or divisible, it usually works in small economies

Characteristics of money?

Money serves as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, a store of value, and a standard of deferred payment. It is widely accepted, divisible, portable, durable, and fungible. These characteristics make money a crucial component of modern economies.

What are the attributes of good money?

attributes/characteristics/features of money: -Must be durable -acceptable -portable -divisible -homogeneous -identifiable -retaining value, so has to be scarce